Monday, September 30, 2019

Problem of Teenage Pregnancy

Over the past few years teenage pregnancy rates have grown substantially. More than one million teenagers will become pregnant this year in Canada, and the number is growing. Many socioeconomic factors influence pregnancy rates, such as; different races, different religions, financial status, education and family background. Another influence is the sexual education children are receiving or not receiving at school and at home. While the problem of teenage pregnancy is acknowledged, solutions are coming slowly. Some parents feel that pregnancy is a result of the lack of sex education courses taught in schools, while others feel that these courses end up encouraging teenagers to become sexually active. Studies have been done to find out just how important sex education courses are, and what effect they have on pregnancy rates. â€Å"The amount of sex education they receive is not as important a factor, according to a new study. † (Fewer girls get pregnant when involved in community, E8) Toronto Sun, 1998) Other sources say: Sex education courses, advocated to prevent teen pregnancy but denounced as encouraged sexual interest, appear to have little or no effect on teens† sexual activity. Such courses also have no noticeable effect on contraceptive use and pregnancy rates among teenagers. It was found that while students do learn about sex and contraception, they do not appear to alter their behavior. † (Okie, 1996) The courses that are offered in schools have proven not to have any influence on the teenage pregnancy rates. The reason for this may be that the courses are just not being taught effectively or are targeting the wrong age group: ‘Two major goals of the school sex education programs are to reduce the incidence of unwarranted pregnancy as well as the rates of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. However, to be effective, programs must begin early. If we wait until an age when most adolescents are sexually active, we might have to combat an acquired behavioral pattern of ineffective STD/pregnancy prevention behavior. Some statistics found that in the 1984 survey of school superintendents found that children do not all seem to know what we expect them to know. It was found that 50% of schools offered a family life education program. Whereas 87% of urban districts had a program, only 25% of rural districts had a program. Canadian school children ages 9, 12 and 15 showed a considerable lack of sexual education. Only 35% of grade 7 students knew that is was possible for a girl to get pregnant between the ages of 12 and 15. Most thought pregnancy could not occur until after age 16. (Herold, 1997) Through many studies it has been proven that sex education in schools has little or no noticeable effect on the teen pregnancy rate. The conclusion has been made that the rate of teenage pregnancy is rising, but there is no solution in sight. Many thought having sex education in the schools would reduce the rate but statistics have suggested that they will not. There have been suggestions of other ways of reducing the high rates. â€Å"Sexual counseling and access to prevention† (Beard, 1992) could be tried. In the mid-1970†³s the â€Å"Ontario government started to provide universal access to publicly funded family planning and sex education. † (Beard, 1992) If these were used in combination with school sexuality education it has been predicted that a decrease in the pregnancy rate would occur. â€Å"Changes in the social climate†, (MacDonald, 1996), which teenagers have been exposed to have been linked with rising adolescent pregnancy rates. These forces must be understood if we are to avoid to obvious pitfalls, draw successfully on our traditional social and cultural strengths, and design effective models of prevention.

Music meter

Appreciating music as the universal language of the soul is more of an instinct and should not be tiring. However, dealing with music formally exposes us to a lot of technical aspects that may appear a little complicated especially for beginners who eventually get exhausted in the learning process. But not all technical issues remain confusing. In music studies, meter is perhaps easiest understood. It is almost an automatic information absorbed by a listener without having to look at a chart or any written guide. The simple hand clap or stomping of the feet acquaints our ears so we can easily follow a tune. Even children can be surprisingly responsive to the music they listen to. Because it is fundamental, learning music meter would not take too much of your time. By simply focusing the mind, one can easily go to the next level. Body Music meter is the arrangement of rhythm in fixed, regular patterns with a uniform number of beats [or pulse] in uniform measures (Dudley et al, pp. 240).   At this point, the word ‘timing’ becomes the main concern. Formal musical pieces indicate the meter applied through time signature, which is the fraction number indicated beside the clef symbol at the beginning of the staff or that five horizontal placement lines that hold the notes (Fig 1). The numerator tells us how many basic beats there are in each measure, and the denominator tells the basic duration value of the beat (Dudley et al, pp. 241). It consists of equal divisions and subdivisions translated into counts of 1-&–2-&-1-&-2 (Schmidt-Jones, pp. 3) or ONE two, ONE two (Dudley et al, pp. 241). This depends on the types of music meter used. Fig. 1   The staff, plural form: staves There are actually two traditional patterns of music meter widely used in Western music, the duple, triple, and quadruple, which breaks into simple and compound sub-patterns. For example, the duple pattern have simple duple and compound duple; the same goes for the rest. â€Å"In a simple meter, each beat is basically divided into halves. In compound meters, each beat is divided into thirds.† (Schmidt-Jones) This can be written as: Duple simple  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1-and-2-and-1-and-2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2/4 Triple simple  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1-and-2-and-3-and-1-and-2-and-3   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3/4 Quadruple simple  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1-and-2-and-3-and-4-and-1-and-2-and-3-and-4  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   4/4 Duple compound  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1-and-a-2-and-1-and-a-2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   6/8  Ã‚   (pp. 3) Sometimes, a single piece can contain a number of time signatures. Sometimes, it can contain no definite pattern at all. A music piece that does not follow a specific time signature is called free meter. This is common in Gregorian chants or plainsong, and some cultural music that has distorted beats and pulses, which can be really frustrating for a listener as they can be hardly followed. There are also experimental musicians who does not stick to certain music patterns. Conclusion Music meter is one of the basic elements of music that is evidently easy to learn until we can come up with a professionally designed composition. Musicians and listeners to day has more advantage as music has progressed with a lot of new things to discover and experiment with. One only needs to look a few years back to know its historic details, which can be more interesting than today’s versions. Anyone can even educate themselves about it with the help of comprehensive and concise reading materials. References Dudley, L., Faricy, A., Rice, J. G. (1978) Elements of Music. The Humanities. (Sixth Edition, pp. 238-271). US: McGraw-Hill, Inc. Schmidt-Jones, C. (2007) Meter In Music. Connexions Module, Version 1.7, Retrieved February 15, 2007 from

Saturday, September 28, 2019

I Sit and Look Out Essay

Walt Whitman, a prominent American anti war poet, who lived during the times of civil war witnessed the condition around him with his own eyes and transformed it into literature which still stands relevant to our lives today. The advent of capitalism during this time and its rapid proliferation brought with itself several ramifications. Human concerns were relegated and principles were sidelined. In response to all the atrocities, the people looked around and turned a blind eye towards them. They stood as detached observers who did not try to bring about a change. The poem ‘ I sit and look out ‘ reflects the 21st century apathy of a modern observer. It is written in free verse and makes use of the effect known as symbolism. The basic tone of the poem is extremely pessimistic and the poet uses strong visual impactful words, which conjure up to create a strong impact as well as a strong apocalyptical imagery in our minds. Right from the beginning of the poem, one can feel the poet’s disillusionment of the things of the world. He states that he sits and looks out upon ‘ all the sorrows of the world, and upon all oppression and shame’. The words used in these first two lines are extremely pessimistic and negative in nature. People in today’s world do many things that are against the normal norms. These deeds are committed due to their deviant behavior. When such people realize their mistakes, they have within themselves a feeling of shame and humiliation, which slowly eats away their soul. Also, the word ‘oppression’ gives us an insight into how humans today oppress fellow human beings for completely futile reasons. This shame and oppression ultimately gives rise to a feeling of sorrow accompanied by extreme distress and regret. He also goes on to say that he hears ‘ secret convulsive sobs from young men, at anguish with themselves, remorseful after deeds do ne’. This refers to the soldiers who have been forced to fight and kill in war for their country. It highlights the extreme mental stress that these young men encounter. In the second quarter of the poem, the poet highlights how women in the world are misused and are treated as mere objects for sexual gratification. He sees ‘ in low life, the mother misused by her children. He states that the ‘mother’ who had gifted her children with a wonderful life and had nourished them is now left to die. She lies alone ‘ dying, neglected and gaunt’. He also sees‘ the wife misused by her husband’ and dubs the husband as ‘ a treacherous seducer of young women’. All this shows us how, despite being in the 21st century, the way the women are treated has not yet changed. Even today, women are the least educated, most oppressed and the most objectified part of the society. Most importantly the poet highlights the callous nature of relationships in t oday’s world and in the new generations. His eyes ‘ mark the ranklings of jealousy and unrequited love ‘which are trying to be hidden. For the poet these are mere sights, and he does not posses any insights regarding them. He also sees ‘ the workings of battle, pestilence, tyranny’. He also talks about martyrs and prisoners. All these are the by products of deadly war. In a gruesome imagine, we imagine sailors throwing out people out of the ship so that more food is left for the remaining. It can be interpreted as the policy of the survival of the fittest. The irony here is that, something that is supposed to life giving (sea/water) is taking the same life away. The final thing that the poet observes is how ‘ arrogant persons’ cast ‘ slights and degradation’ and oppress ‘the poor’ and ‘Negroes’. These people are treated in an inhuman way and are subjected to penury, deterioration and severe repression. The poet sees all this on earth, hears about them and yet remains silent. This last line ‘ see, hear and am silent ‘ is perhaps the most significant line in the poem as it brings out the satirical view of the poet as he scorns the modern observer. The whole poem revolves around the theme of 21st century apathy. It is an indictment on society in general for its inability to facilitate meaningful change within itself. People in today’s world see many wrong things occurring around them. However, they don’t try to make a difference and remain unaffected and indifferent. They seem to be overly pre occupied with their own safety and comforts and have lost their moral sense of empathy. In this poem the poet assumes the role of a representative of the society and condemns our lack of apathy, unwillingness to act and our lack of courage to actually take a stand on theses issues. He chastises the lack of moral valor in humans today, saying that we are too unconcerned to open our eyes to the world around us and make our own decisions. He makes an attempt to inspire emotions of disgust, anger and guilt but perhaps most of all, a sense of motivation. He hopes that this sense of motivation will allow the people to notice the deplorable condition, which they have put  themselves in, and wants them to make an effort to make the world into a much harmonious place. Moreover, The real beauty of this poem is that, though it was written about a hundred years ago, it is still relevant in today’s world.

Friday, September 27, 2019

ESSAY To what extent has the nature of power in Western liberal

To what extent has the nature of power in Western liberal democratic states changed in recent decades In your answer, ex - Essay Example Modern democracy can be dated from the late 18th century although medieval Poland and some states of the Greek cities had democratic aspects. Democracy as the rule by people. In order for a country to be considered democratic, it should choose its leaders using competitive and fair elections. It should adhere to the constitution and ensure fundamental civil liberties. While some analysts assert that a democracy needs to have a strong civil society, civic culture, and capitalist economy, others do not include these criteria when defining democracy. Democratization is therefore the process by which a country adopts such a regime as defined above. This means that when a country is democratized, it is democratic. It also means that every other person is entitled to his or her opinion regarding matters that concern governance. Unlike dictatorial regimes where one voice speaks and others follow, in democratic regimes it is the voices of the majority rule. This means that in case of electio ns or matters that bring disagreement, every person is given an opportunity to stand by what he or she thinks is the right option. As stated above democratization is a relatively recent practice. In the early days, monarchs ruled nations. These were kings and queens and in some cases, the church. The king’s word was final. ... There however seems to be little agreement among political analysts regarding how the process of democratization occurs, including the criteria used to ascertain if democratization has indeed occurred. Many countries adopt democratic governments only to watch them collapse through military coups and other revolts that lead to authoritarian regimes. The first pointer is that citizens should be able to govern themselves by conducting regular elections, which determine their top leaders periodically. This is referred to as representative democracy. These regular elections also serve as avenues through which policies that govern the people are chosen. An example is the voting process which determines if a constitution is to be passed or not through a referendum. Secondly, the right to vote is accorded to all adults. This however has been a recent addition since governments that were referred to as democratic not so long ago used to exclude women, slaves, and free males who did not meet c ertain literacy or property requirements. If a country restricts this franchise from the voting process, then it cannot be considered as democratic. A perfect example is the apartheid regime in South Africa whereby the only people who voted were minority whites. The third indicator is the acceptance of democratic rights. These particular rights include the right to contest for the highest office, the right to have everyone’s vote count equally, the right to vote and the right to create and form political parties and groups. Then there is a law, which is above the state. All authorities on the particular country should adhere to this law. It provides the framework for democratic rule and protects the democratic rights of the people. Therefore,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Abstract for technical report about biofules in aviation Essay

Abstract for technical report about biofules in aviation - Essay Example These emissions are relatively high and cause pollution that affects both the society and the technical growth in the aviation industry. This includes the destruction of the O-zone layer and clogging of the environment (Kemp, 2006). The objectives are achieved through the use of bio-fuels to reduce pollution to the environment and reduce the costs of running the aviation industry. The methods used in the research included both primary and secondary data collection methods where the necessary data was gathered, recorded and analyzed. The use of bio-fuels help in reduction of carbon IV oxide and other greenhouse gases discharged for the period of its use. This minimizes pollution to the environment. Furthermore, it reduces the costs of running freights in the aviation industry due to its cheaper production process as compared to fossil fuels (Kemp, 2006). The subject of usage of bio-fuels in the aviation industry is a vital matter to everyone on the planet. Basically, it involves saving the environment from the gaseous hazards while reducing costs of running the industry by producing a cheaper source of energy for the

Chech the pic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Chech the pic - Essay Example The metal has been carefully shaped in the form of a horse’s body. The center of interest of the art is the body and torso that clearly resemble a horse. The ring of metal at its neck also presents the straps of leather and rope used to provide support to the horse rider. The scale of the art also presents a relation of the sculpture to visual arts. Its size resembles that of a mature horse. As a result, the scale offers the audience with a better view of the sculpture unlike in other small-scaled sculptures. Additionally, the balancing aspect has also been adopted in Deborahs artwork. The Balance has been emphasized where it has provided the composition with a stable structure that can stand on its own. Elements of the design have been emphasized on the sculpture including the space occupied, texture, and harmony among others. Her sculpture presents a smooth surface despite the perception that her artwork is m from scrap materials. The harmony is also emphasized due to its composition of similar units. Unity has also been emphasized on the artwork to the constituency of material used in the sculpture. The materials have been strategically places to present a unified artwork. A division of the artwork will change the entire perception of her work. Deborah Butterfields work has been recognized with various art conferences and awards. Notably, most of her works include the use of junk or scrap that is readily available to make her sculptures. She has mostly been known for making sculptures from pieces of wood and metal that she started from the early 1980s. Deborahs works have been recognized due to the application of different aspects of visual arts and film. Delilah has used different color themes in her artwork that could express different moods. The visual effects make different impressions to the observing eye. The hand in the artwork could symbolize a normal human hand that is used in hard work and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The gravedigger scene may be taken as a key to the play Hamlet as a Essay

The gravedigger scene may be taken as a key to the play Hamlet as a whole. Why - Essay Example Thus Hamlet says, "that skull had a tongue in it, and could sing once: how the knave jowls it to the ground, as if it were Cain's jaw-bone that did the first murder." This aspect of the scene also shows how Hamlet, whether he likes it or not, constantly returns to the same themes whatever situation he is in. The fact that the jawbone could be that of Cain, leads him to the subject of murder which in turn leads him to the fact that he believes his father was murdered by his Uncle and mother. Hamlet makes fun of all the titles, property and pride that make him a "Prince", but which will eventually disappear into that great equalizer. The fact that he has felt uneasy with the idea of being a royalty occurs through the play and is persistent in this scene as he looks at skull that might have been "a lawyer's" or a "great buyer of land". They are all equal now within death. The theme of death taking away the innocence of childhood appears as Hamlet says the famous line, "alas, poor Yorick, I knew him well". Death's bit is even more keen when it has occurred to someone that we fondly remember from out childhood. Again, Hamlet asks a series of questions that he knows the answer to before he has spoken them. These are perhaps the ultimate rhetorical questions: "where be your gibes now, Your gambols Your songs Your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the table on a roar Not one now, to mock your own grinning." The fact that Yorick, who apparently displayed all the vitality and zest for life that Hamlet sorely lacks, is dead, makes Hamlet's own attempts to both cheat death and to avenge it seem rather pathetic. The idea that there is no-one to "mock" the permanent "grin" that Yorick's skull is showing is perhaps the most telling fact of all. Hamlet suggests that death is mocking all mortals - so no mortal mocking is actually needed. The unfairness of death is a theme that resounds throughout the play. It is unfair that his father has been killed while his useless uncle lives. It was unfair that Polonius was killed needlessly (even though Hamlet cares little himself), and it is unfair that Ophelia has been driven to madness and hence to suicide. Death, it seems, takes those who are most innately suited to life. While those such as Hamlet himself, so thinks the Prince, are left to suffer within a tortured life. The fact that death makes all equal is expounded upon by making the dead seem to be part of death's joke on the prideful ambitions of life. Thus the stinking skull that Hamlet is handling (that of Yorick) brings him to consideration of the fact that the "imagination trace the novel dust of Alexander, till he find it stopping a bung hole" Throughout Hamlet the title character is unable to stop his flights of imagination, and all of these turn into a kind of reduction ad absurdum in which the whole of life is rendered meaningless and somewhat laughable by the cold facts of death. Life is very short, mutable and transient in its importance while death is eternal and majestically terrible in its permanence and resonance. Alexander may be the dust bunging up one hole or another for much longer than he was ever a great ruler. This sense of futility is resoundingly summed up within the following rhyming couplets: Imperious Caesar, dead and turn'd to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Environmental Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Environmental Issues - Essay Example The current interest in environmental education is actually spurred by two factors. First is the realization of business firms that complying to environmental standards and implementing programs advocating environmental awareness could increase the preference of customers because they know that the company is very concerned with the whole of society. In other words, it has become a point of competitiveness of the companies. The second factor is the realization that the problem has become so serious to the point that it threatens all sectors of society that it needs immediate attention. The way we are made to perceive environmental issues are distorted by the way the information is relayed to us. Environmental catastrophes are relayed to the audience but its root causes are never fully explained or in some instances, not even analyzed. The ideology that pervades among corporate media practitioners is to simply relay the information but they do not go as far as promoting advocacy. There exists a problem in the way environmental awareness is understood by educators and mass media practitioners and many people in general. They tend to mention events that have harmed the environment but they seldom do point out the root cause. We can only speculate that they are constrained to do so because most of the pollution such as oil spills came from big corporations who may have interests in the establishment where they are employed or who can sue them of all their belongings for tarnishing the name of the company. Those who had the courage to speak out have been branded as agents of doom for the dark predilections that they make. Some of them are actually lampooned and criticized for their messages which bears the truth regarding the state of the environment and the role we humans are playing in its destruction. Saving the environment requires a shift in ideology, an extension of democracy where the institutions are oriented towards environmental protection rather than living in denial and abstraction. The Currents of Ecological Democracy In the contemporary setting, environmentalists have begun to take on a new perspective regarding the pursuit of environmental awareness and environmental protection. What they advocate is direct political action which refers to mass mobilization and extensive forums pressuring the government to take action rather than waiting in vain for environmentally conscious individual to get elected in office. Capitalism which is basically a general term for the desire to acquire profits is seen as totally detrimental to the environment. It is impossible to arrive to a compromise between the desire for profits and the desire to save the environment for business firms will always need to expand and exploit resources to acquire more money. If the resources such as oil are depleted in an area, they move towards another area to keep the business going. As such, the cycle of environmental degradation continues. With this line of thinking, the attempts of corporations to project themselves as environmentally conscious are but a mere propaganda that is full of deceit and lies. Private firms are not the only one to blame. Much of the toxic materials comes from weapons used by

Monday, September 23, 2019

A Letter to The Angel of Death Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Letter to The Angel of Death - Assignment Example ever, although the above rational thinking gives me the courage to look at death in a constructive manner, I am an emotional human being who gets upset whenever you take away someone loved by me. Accordingly, I disclose below my encounters with death, which has always shaken me. He was in the hospital struggling to come out of the terminal illness that gave him lot of pain and anguish. Finally the end came. The doctor attending him asked each one of my family members to bid farewell to my grandpa. My dear angel of death, you were there ambushed in my thoughts, as I prayed to you for not snatching away my beloved grand father. However, he had to go and so he did. This emotional scene has lingered on to my memory, ever since. Many thinkers and philosophers have discussed the mystery involving process of soul leaving the body. However, this mystery could not be solved until today. I am satisfied to believe that God commands you, the Angel of Death, to take away our souls. At the same time, I wish to pray you for the following. I have witnessed people who believe that they are avoiding death by running away from you, as you keep on following them. However, I firmly believe that your appointment with them cannot be delayed even for a single second. It is all fixed, before you arrive. In the process, these people are fooling themselves by thinking they are hoodwinking you. The constant fear of death nearly kills them every moment. I have also witnessed people coming back to life after having a close encounter with death. However, I wonder if you are helping them to escape death at that precise moment. Knowing from the experience of many such people, I conclude that you did help them through such

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Statistics problems Essay Example for Free

Statistics problems Essay Based on a simple random sample of one hundred an analyst estimates the average hourly wage earned by workers in a city to be $30 and computes the margin of error to be $5. Can we conclude from this that most workers there earn between $25 and $35 per hour? Is the right interpretation for the margin of error? Polls showed the two main candidates in the 2004 presidential election were nearly tied on the day before the election. To predict the winner a newspaper would like to have a poll that has margin of error of less than 1%. Roughly how large a sample would be needed for such a poll? Chapter 8 6. A large population of overdue bills ha balances that follow a normal curve. When we take a sample of 100 of these the average is $500 and the SD is $100. (a) What statement can you make about the range $300 to $700? (b) What statement can you make about the range $480 to $520? 10. Pollsters try to determine whether or not a person is a â€Å"likely voter† before they count their opinion in a poll. If we assume 40% of the registered voters will actually vote, in a random sample of 100 registered voters we can be 95% confident that somewhere between ______ and ________ of them will actually vote. Fill in the blanks with numbers. 22. An investment firm with 10,000 clients would like to accurately forecast the average dollar amount their current customers will deposit over the coming year. They decide to telephone a random selection of 25 of their customers to ask how much they plan to deposit, and they would like to keep this sample as small as possible so the calls do not annoy too many customers. Since they will be multiplying his average by the total number of customers to get an overall forecast, they would like to accurately estimate this average with a margin of error of less than $4,000. Last year, the average deposit for all 10,000 clients was $25,000 with a standard deviation of $30,000 Do you think a sample of 25 is enough to give them the margin of error they want? If not, how large a sample do you suggest they need to take? Justify you answer with relevant calculations.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Similarities Between Judaism And Christianity Religion Essay

Similarities Between Judaism And Christianity Religion Essay The creation of the universe still remains a mystery to many of us. Almost all mankind is obsessed with trying to discover how the creation of everything that exists came about. Some are convinced about the divine existence of God while others are atheist. The religious people are also faced with many differences and disagreement about the existence and the nature of the real God. The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast two specific characteristics that are evident in Christianity and Judaism. As much as there are differences between the two religious groupings, there are also similarities between them. This is because, Christianity emerged and protested from Judaism, but it is not a continuation of Judaism as some people would suppose it to .Therefore, there are various characteristics that makes the two different. The first characteristic is how they define sin and the second is how they define atonement and religious human intercession. Similarities Between Judaism and Christianity Both religions define sin as rebellion, and God has made his will to be known to all people through His word. Acting contrary to this set will against God is a sin. Although Wyschogrod states that Judaism doesnt take the consequences of sin seriously, Plantinga feels Christians should go back to their original religion so that they can understand the consequences of sin. Therefore, both believe that sin has its consequences. God is all powerful and supreme, the only thing he can do is to allow people to sin but he limits the freedom. One of the reasons for allowing the people to sin is so as He can demonstrate his will and achieve his objectives; which could be to demonstrate his love since his lover supersedes his hatred. Therefore both religions believe that God is a God of mercy. God has provided atonement in order to reconcile all his people with him. This shows that whenever people are engaged in sin and have a deep repentance for it, there is a way out for both religions. This cleanses and erases all the sins and the makes man right with God. They both believe that in order to be forgiven, faith must be incorporated with the atonement. Since there is a continuous behavior of rebellion, both religions believe that they live under two principles which include being loyal to God and being rebellious. Therefore, sin is a continuous process and cannot be avoided by any human being.Because of this repentance must be done regularly. Differences in Judaism and Christianity In regard to Sin, Christianitys center of attention is found on The Original Sin which is the sin that committed by Adam and Eve while they were in the Garden of Eden and continues on from that generation to this generation we are living today .While Judaisms center of attention on Sin which means the continuous sins committed after a person is born, thus proving that at birth a person is with no sin. Therefore, according to Judaism, repentance is done for disobedience done either intentionally or unintentionally after the person is born while for Christianity, repentance is done for an entire persons life since his birth even to the extend of repenting the sins of a former generation. While reviewing the Holy Bible in Genesis chapter 3, the two religions interpret this differently. According to the Christian perspective, when Adam and Eve sinned, the glory of God in them was taken away, thus making the whole creation perverted. While in Judaism, when Adam and Eve sinned, God made them to suffer the consequences by only chasing them out of the Garden of Eden but never meant that sin will follow their forthcoming generation. Christianitys element of redemption that is meant to return the glory of God which was lost after Adam and Eve sinned in the garden of Eden is only through Jesus Christ who is claimed to be God in the flesh and a part of the Holy trinity, cleanses the sins of the whole world for those who accept this redemption. The Judaism element of redemption is done through is through prayer which cleanses the sin impartially, and full cleansing is done after they ask for forgiveness from the people. According to Judaism Jesus was just a good man and was not reincarnation of God into mankind, he has no powers to save souls as Christianity perceives and believes it to be, and he never resurrected from the dead. Since piece has never reigned in this world. Judaism has never approved Jesus as the Prince of Peace and the Messiah. They claim that the Prince of Peace shall rule the world later and peace shall dominate this whole world. But Christianity believes Jesus as the Prince of peace and the promised Messiah and all them that accept this divinity have peace in their minds and souls. Furthermore, Judaism continues to state that God is one. God cannot be made of three parts which are termed as the Holy trinity, even though Christianity claims it to be a mystery. They claim that this can be compared to pagans who worship many god and that the capacity of claiming that God is in three parts diminishes the preeminence of his power. Therefore, it has no room for Jesus having a position of being God the Son. This is opposed by Christianity since according to the Bible in the Book of John 1:1, 14 which claims that In the beginning there was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God. The word became flesh and dwelt among us in this world. As much as there are differences and similarities, only time can tell since Christianity is based on faith. There is no religion that can be placed above the other. Its hard for worshipers also to judge themselves since they can not identify and accept easily their shortcomings since it may be to their disadvantage. Therefore, judgment is left to God alone.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Plan Of Honda During Globalization Economics Essay

The Plan Of Honda During Globalization Economics Essay Firstly, International Business is the performance of trade and investment activities that have been done by firms across national borders when it takes place between two or more countries. It is also known as cross-border business. Individual firms, governments and international agencies are involved in the international business transactions. The assets that exchange by firms and nations mostly are physical and intellectual assets which including products, services, capital, technology, know-how and labor. Moreover, international business gives us the opportunity to access the products and services from all around the world and it could profoundly affects the quality of life and the economic of the country (Cavusgil et al. 2008). Besides that, there are two types of integration which is negative integration and positive integration. Negative integration could refer to barriers between countries being removed such as tariffs and quotas while positive integration could refer to standardizing international economic laws and polices (The non-hub story 2010). Multinational Company (MNC) also known as Multinational Corporation is the most important type of the focal firm. It is a direct resource with the various business activities that which is through the subsidiaries and the affiliates that which located in the multiple countries. MNC has its own worldwide of the network and it has corporate with the numerous of the suppliers and the independent business partners of the abroad. MNC is among of the leading participants and many small and medium-sized enterprises participate as well. Multinational company can be categories into 3 elements which is horizontally integrated multinational corporations, vertically integrated multinational corporations and diversified multinational corporations. Horizontally integrated multinational corporations Corporations that manage productionestablishments in different countries that produces similar products. Vertically integrated multinational corporations Manage production establishment in certain countries to produce products as input to its production establishment in other countries. Diversified multinational corporations Production Establishment is either horizontally or vertically integrated. HISTORY OF HONDA Honda is the worlds largest motorcycle manufacturer since 1959 and the worlds largest manufacturer of internal combustion engines measured by volume, producing more than 14 million internal combustion engines each year. It is established by Soichiro Honda in 1948. Due to the World War II, Soichiro Honda developed and produced small 2-cycle motorbike engines. It is because during that time Japan was facing gasoline storage and they needed inexpensive transportation that need less gasoline (The non-hub story 2010). Now, the ranking of Honda in automobile manufacturer around the world is number sixth. The first Japanese automobile manufacturer that releases a dedicated luxury brand is Honda. Besides that, Honda is also producing lawn and garden equipment, tillers, robotics, marine engines, personal watercraft and power generators. The headquarters of Honda is located at Minato, Tokyo, Japan (Wikipedia 2010). Macro-environment for automobile industry in host country (PEST analysis): Firstly, the automotive sector is an important yet complicated sector. However, they could use PESTLE analysis to help them in making strategies. PESTLE analysis is a tool that can help organizations making strategies by letting them know about the external environment so they could plan their operate time whether they want to operate now or operate in the future. PESTLE stands for political, economic, social, technological, legal and environment. Political The people will see a continued progress in the ruinous steps which have forced the industry into a social politico economic corner. Whether this is related to flat demand or to the industrys creation of an ever-wider range of vehicles that many buyers seem to care little about, there is a problem. The manufacturing is like linked approach to the policies of governments, the earnings of banks. Little wonder then that so many emerging countries are keen to develop an auto sector or that there is such a political pressure to protect it in the developed countries. The worlds vehicle industry is currently dominated by little more than a handful of firms, each wielding colossal financial, emotional and political power. The manufacturing closely to dealing with political institutions has not always been bright. It tends to be good on technical issues, although it has not always fully presented the longer-term options, but in order to make the choices and their clear. Economic For much of the developed world, and increasingly for the developing world, the automotive industry is a pillar industry, a flag of economic progress. Without an automotive industry, it is impossible to develop an efficient steel business, a plastic industry or a glass sector other central foundations of economic progress. The automotive industry has been a core industry, a unique economic phenomenon, which has dominated the twentieth century. However, the industry now suffers from a series of structural schisms and has become riddled with contradictions and economic discontinuities. For the capital markets and the finance sector, it has lost a lot of its significance, as a result of ever declining profits and stagnant sales. The proliferation of products means that it has become hopelessly wasteful of economic resources. While all these and more sound like a very gloomy assessment of such a vast economic phenomenon, the industry is not in the end despondent. A different future is p ossible for the industry, a highly desirable one. Social The worlds automotive industry affects the society as a whole. It employs millions of people directly, tens of millions indirectly. Its products have transformed society, bringing undreamed-of levels of mobility, changing the ways people live and work. The social value of the additional mobility that this industry brings involves the value of the people being able to commute over longer distances easily, among many others. For most of its existence the motor industry has been a model of social discipline and control and it is not just that the auto sector offers a pillar of something else. There are, on the other hand, particular social issues to address in many developing countries, often those that are the result of an undertone of religious faith. The automotive industry has the role to play in helping develop the mobility of such countries and it can be achieved at an acceptable social cost of the country is prepared to learn the necessary lessons from those who have traveled thi s route before it, and to make the necessary investments. Technological The automotive industry works on a scale so awesome and has an influence so vast that it is often difficult to see. The level and diversity of technologies that it must deploy are increasing, which imposes both new investment burdens and new uncertainties and risks. Roughly a million new cars and trucks are built around the world each week they are easily the most complex products of their kind to be mass-produced in such volumes. The industry uses manufacturing technology that is the cutting edge of science. But still, the potential for developing coordination skills, intellectual capabilities and emotional sensitivities through electronic technologies remain far from fully exploited. There are numerous additional near-term technological opportunities to adapt the automobile to changing energy availability. The possibilities suggest that automotive technology is unexpectedly robust and provides a powerful defence against energy starvation even if the real price of oil climbs steadi ly during the next couple of decades. Legal The automobile industry is subject to numerous technical directives and regulations, as well as legislation of a more legal nature. The legislation covers areas such as competition law, intellectual property law, consumer protection and taxation, and emissions (air quality and fuels). When the auto parts industry reached full development, accelerated technological efforts were made to create a web of local suppliers that would make it possible to meet the growing legal requirements for the national integration of production. Environmental Other than the vehicles themselves, and the roads and fuel needed to run them; the business is intricately tied to the manufacture of a wide range of components and the extraction of precious raw materials. Indirectly, it brings people road congestion, too many fatalities and a wave of other environmental troubles. The effect to the automotive companies are that they needed to establish RD centres to take advantage of research infrastructure and human capital, so that they can develop vehicle products locally to satisfy the requirements of the environmental and safety regulations more effectively. PEST of Honda in Malaysia Political Malaysia is a developing country. From the year 1960 to 1971, the countrys economy was dependent on farming and primary commodities such as rubber and tin. Nowadays, Malaysia is a middle-income country with a multi-sector economy. The GDP growth rate was 5.8% in 2006 and 5.9% in 2007. Domestic demand and dynamism in exports are the main reasons for the economic constancy in Malaysia. Malaysias economic is now depending on industry, agriculture, and services sector, which contributes nearly 115% to the GDP at 2007. Along with the research, Malaysia is one of the worlds main exporters of vehicle parts, accessories and components and to Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, Indonesia, Japan and UK. The automobile parts industry in Malaysia is maintaining the high reputation among their valuable customers locally and also in other country. Engineering capabilities, industrial master plans, and technology advancements are the main factors for the high reputation. The demand for Malaysias automobil e parts are continually increasing, especially among major automobile companies like Mercedes, Mazda, Ford, General Motors, Suzuki, Nissan and Mitsubishi. Besides that, there are 343 automobile parts manufactures in Malaysia. Is up until now, RM 8.2 billion was invested by automotive components and parts manufactures in auto parts industry (MSC, 2007). Economics Malaysia is dedicated to fulfill its multilateral commitments under WTO and AFTA and has taken steps to liberalize its duty structure. Other measures have been taken as well. Since 2001, the equity policy for the automobile sector has been relaxed to allow up to 51% foreign equity on a case by case basis. Besides that, in Malaysia manufacturers and assemblers are currently free to multi-source from the most competitive suppliers globally, uninhibited from local content policy requirements (ELM, 2007). Social Malaysias population was estimated at 25.2 million in 2007, every years growth rate of 1.7 percent. More than 60 percent of the population in Malaysia is Malays and other is Indians (8 percent) and Chinese (32 percent). Approximately 44 percent from the total population is consider to be trained or skilled workers with basic qualifications or higher. Malaysians employees work a minimum of 48-hours per week and also have more holidays compared with China. Until now, the labors costs are still relatively standard compare with other countries in Asia, including Vietnam and China. In addition, Malaysians salary can be divided into two types: one is monthly minimum wages and the other is average wage for an employee in the manufacturing industry (Kiat, 2008). Technological Malaysias infrastructure is good and presents considerable benefits to automobile supply chain operation. Malaysia has 80,328-km road network, highways, and main roads. This mode of transport represents 90% of the goods and passengers traffic in Malaysia. In addition, Malaysia has rail network of more than 2,000 km, mainly located in Kuala Lumpur and along the coast of the Strait of Malacca. The railway service in Malaysia is continuously improving by the government. Such as KTM and LRT. Besides that, there are three main ports and two airports in Malaysia currently growing in terms of exports. Such as KLIA and LCCT. (Kiat, 2008). PEST ANALYSIS OF INDIAN AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY : Political Indian government had launched the auto policy for its Self Sustained growth. The government also allowed the foreign equity investment up to 100% formulation of fuel policy to promotes for vehicles propelled by AES Economic The tax wills deductions up to 150% for in house RD activities. Reduce the interest rates for export financing. Economy of India has grown over 8.5% per annum for last 5 years. The industry sector has grown 8-10 % for last few years. More than 90% CV purchase is on credit. Social The social changed lifestyle of people leads to increased purchase of Automobiles. The Average family size is 4 which make it favorable to buy a four wheeler. 4th largest economy on purchasing parity index increase in per capital income levels. The Indian customers are highly educated and well informed and they are price sensitive. They choice for small and compact car preference for Fuel efficient cars with low maintenance. Technological Technology is more and more emphasis on RD. The government is promoting the NATRIP (National Automotive testing and RD Infrastructure Project) to support the growth of Auto industry in India. Customized solutions can be provided with proliferation of technology. To entry of global brands both product and production process has been improved. ACTUAL AND POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF GLOBALIZATION TO HONDA Movement of capital If the companys capital flows around different countries, the production base of a developing economy would get to enhance. Then, it could enable savings for the entire globe and exhibited high investment potential. It is very important for the country which developing their economy. Developing countries would prefer more on foreign direct investment rather than portfolio investment because portfolio investment does not have a direct impact on the productive capacity expansion. Brand awareness Honda will become more famous when they globalize their company. It will create the opportunity to let the public know more about this company. For example like what is the item that selling in the company, where is their headquarters and etc. Since Honda is producing variety of items, it will be better for public to know the details about this company. Technology When Honda has been globalized, the brand awareness of Honda will definitely increase so it could attract more specialist or industry people who wanted to join their company and create new items with them. Besides that, it could help to improve the technology of the world. It is because whenever Honda had come out with a new item, they will sell or share it in all around the world. Therefore, even though the country does not create that item, they also have the opportunity to use it. So it means that the technology of the world will be increasing. Reduce global warming Honda had produced Hybrid vehicles in order to solve our earth problems like reduce the air pollution and the amount of petroleum which is getting lesser and lesser. Hybrid vehicles are encouraged to use by public as it could at least help out a little for our earth to reduce the global warming issues. STRATEGIES TO OVERCOME THE POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF GLOBALISATION Build new office or factory In order to create Honda awareness, Honda should build more office and factory at other area where Honda does not have any office or factory at there. It could make the public to have more working opportunity and at the same time they will more understand about Honda. Besides that, Honda could also try to export their produced items to other potential country which they have not export any of their items to that country in order to create awareness. New recruitment In order to create more and more technology items, Honda should hire more specialists or people who familiar with this industry to join Honda. It is because when they create new technology item, it will make our life easier. For example, Honda had created the ASIMO robot to assist us with our daily life. It can also help the people who are not convenience to move around or disable person to do those daily tasks such as pour water, sweep the floor and etc. Create variety of items In order to reduce the global warming problem and at the same time can satisfy the customers needs, Honda have to create variety of items for them to choose. Therefore, everyone will use their items and help to save our environment. It can benefit both sides which is Honda and the earth environment. It is because if Honda really does that then Honda could earn the profit while the environment is getting protected with lesser pollution. For example, Honda could design more Hybrid vehicles in order public could have more choices to choose when they choosing Honda Hybrid vehicles.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

William Faulkner :: essays research papers

William Faulkner William Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha County, with Jefferson as its county seat, is both a mythical and actual place. Yoknapatawpha county is 2400 square miles in area and has a population of 15,611 persons. Jefferson has an actual jail, town square, old houses, and Old Frenchman's Place, even a railroad. Faulkner's "Yoknapatawpha County" is in reality Lafayette County, and "Jefferson" is actually Oxford. The Faulkner family lived there since before the Civil War. This is where most of his stories take place. He pondered the family history and his own personal history; and he used both in writing his stories. (American Writers; 54) Faulkner born in New Albany, Mississippi in 1897. In 1902 they moved to Oxford ("Jefferson"), the seat of the University of Mississippi. His father, Murray C. Falkner, (the u was added to the family name by the printer who set up William's first book, The Marble Faun) ran a livery stable and a hardware store. Later he became business manager of the University. Maud Butler was his mother and Murray, John, and Dean were his three brothers. (American Writers; 55a) Faulkner's great-grandfather was William C. Falkner. He was born in 1825. He was a legendary figure in Northern Mississippi. Many details of his life have shown up in Faulkner's writings. He was twice acquitted of murder charges. He was a believer in severe discipline and was a colonel of a group of raiders of the Civil War. He began as a poor youngster trying to take care of his widowed mother, but ending his career as the owner of a railroad and a member of the state legislature. He was killed by his former railroad partner shortly after he had defeated the other for a seat in the legislature. There is a statue of William C. Falkner facing his railroad today. (American Writers; 55b) J. W. T. Faulkner was a lawyer, a banker, and assistant United States attorney. He was an active member of "rise of the "rednecks"", the political movement that gave greater suffrage to tenant farmers. The people of Oxford say he had and explosive temper. (American Writers; 55c) The characters Colonel Sartoris and Bayard Sartoris portray Faulkner's great-grandfather and grandfather. These characters show up in many of his stories such as Sartoris and The Unvanquished. They are a part of the Old South legend and they play an important role in the saga of Yoknapatawpha. (American Writers; 55d) William was a poor student. He left highshool in the tenth grade to work in his grandfather's bank. He liked to read, and wrote some poetry of his own. He also tried painting. William Faulkner :: essays research papers William Faulkner William Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha County, with Jefferson as its county seat, is both a mythical and actual place. Yoknapatawpha county is 2400 square miles in area and has a population of 15,611 persons. Jefferson has an actual jail, town square, old houses, and Old Frenchman's Place, even a railroad. Faulkner's "Yoknapatawpha County" is in reality Lafayette County, and "Jefferson" is actually Oxford. The Faulkner family lived there since before the Civil War. This is where most of his stories take place. He pondered the family history and his own personal history; and he used both in writing his stories. (American Writers; 54) Faulkner born in New Albany, Mississippi in 1897. In 1902 they moved to Oxford ("Jefferson"), the seat of the University of Mississippi. His father, Murray C. Falkner, (the u was added to the family name by the printer who set up William's first book, The Marble Faun) ran a livery stable and a hardware store. Later he became business manager of the University. Maud Butler was his mother and Murray, John, and Dean were his three brothers. (American Writers; 55a) Faulkner's great-grandfather was William C. Falkner. He was born in 1825. He was a legendary figure in Northern Mississippi. Many details of his life have shown up in Faulkner's writings. He was twice acquitted of murder charges. He was a believer in severe discipline and was a colonel of a group of raiders of the Civil War. He began as a poor youngster trying to take care of his widowed mother, but ending his career as the owner of a railroad and a member of the state legislature. He was killed by his former railroad partner shortly after he had defeated the other for a seat in the legislature. There is a statue of William C. Falkner facing his railroad today. (American Writers; 55b) J. W. T. Faulkner was a lawyer, a banker, and assistant United States attorney. He was an active member of "rise of the "rednecks"", the political movement that gave greater suffrage to tenant farmers. The people of Oxford say he had and explosive temper. (American Writers; 55c) The characters Colonel Sartoris and Bayard Sartoris portray Faulkner's great-grandfather and grandfather. These characters show up in many of his stories such as Sartoris and The Unvanquished. They are a part of the Old South legend and they play an important role in the saga of Yoknapatawpha. (American Writers; 55d) William was a poor student. He left highshool in the tenth grade to work in his grandfather's bank. He liked to read, and wrote some poetry of his own. He also tried painting.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Awakening - Personality Developments :: essays research papers

PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT The idea that one can understand and comprehend the development of an individual is profound and abstruse, but very few people have actually had success dealing with such a topic. From obstacles such as proper test subjects to the whole stigma of taboo attached in trying to understand the human mind, researchers and psychologists have had success. One of the most notable successes is that of Sigmund Freud, the father of modern psychology, as we know it. Freud’s in depth pioneering journey into the minds of people, and how the mind itself develops with the passing of time and events. Other modern psychologists have elaborated on Freud, including the psychologists Erik Erikson and Karen Horney. Their thoughts on the personality development of people relate directly to Kate Chopin’s book, The Awakening. In this book, the theories discussed by Freud and his successors are shown explicitly and implicitly. Obviously, Sigmund Freud’s work in the field of personality development was by far the most prolific and controversial. The father of modern psychology, Freud broke all barriers to expose what he thought to be the real reasons for human behavior. His theories of personality development can best start with the discussion of the conscious and the unconscious mind. The conscious mind—along with the lesser preconscious mind—is that part of the mind that one has control, or knowledge of. Ironically, this is the least part of the mind that one has control over. The so called "subconscious" mind is the part of the mind that lurks beneath the surface, filled with instincts, emotions, and unfulfilled desires (Shaffer 26). The total human mind is divided into the famous three parts of the Id, the ego, and the superego. The Id can be correlated directly to the subconscious, since it contains one’s innermost thoughts, feelings, and desires, or as Freud w ould call them, "wishes". The Id represents one’s innermost and primitive desires, such as food and reproduction, and it constantly drives one’s actions. The total antithesis of the Id is the superego. The superego in the case of personality development, comes directly from parents. This superego is consisted of the conscience (punishments and warnings) and the ego ideal (positive rewards and role models). Thus the superego can be defined as what keeps the Id in check, which leads to the ego. The ego is the rationalizing factor, it is the result of the superego and the Id, canceling each other out.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Portrait of a Child as a Language User Essay

‘A simple definition’ of language ‘might be that it is â€Å"a system of symbols and rules that enable us to communicate† and that ‘words, either written or spoken are symbols’ and ‘rules specify how words are ordered to form sentences’ (Harley, 2008, pg. 5). However this can be debated and as a result ‘many linguists think that providing a formal definition of language is a waste of time’ (Harley, 2008, pg5). ‘There is no human society that does not have a fully developed language; being human and being a language user go hand in hand’ I have chosen Bella, aged 6 to be my focus child. She is articulate, cheerful and a friendly. She is inquisitive and has a dynamic view on life. She listens well in class and understands what she has to do, and can work both independently and in a group. She enjoys and excels in her artwork. Socially she is very comfortable around peers, adults and communicates to either with respect and consideration. She is able to express her feelings easily. She comes from an English speaking background with no discernible accent or dialect. I am interested in her reading skill set- the strategies she uses to sound a word and her interpretation or ‘ideational function’ of the text. She enjoys the visual stimulus of the illustrations. She reads her school reading tree books with her mom daily and enjoys looking through the books at school. Literacy is very important part in Bella’s school where ‘good teachers give pupils many opportunities to do independent, silent reading in a school which is richly stocked with books and where teachers and children discuss their books they have read’ (Collins & Safford, 2008, pg. 17). If I use the bottom up approach to reading, she does ‘use phonics to the exclusion of all other cues in reading’ (cited by Atkinson, 2013, pg. 8). Because she tends to sound out each grapheme- using synthetic phonics, before blending a word, unless it is a very simple three letter word she recognizes- she sometimes loses the meaning of the text. I have observed this by asking her a specific question regarding the text on the page she was reading and she couldn’t remember what she had just read. She tends to rely on print cues and not her prediction of the situation. If I used the top down approach; looking at the title and illustration on the front cover, discussing what the book is about, what genre is it familiar to, letting her open the book and scan the illustrations throughout the book. If I actively build on what she could see in the illustration- to stimulate her thinking before we approach the text- she would approach and read with familiarity, and have a better understanding. When she does get stuck on the text I get her to come out of the small shapes and look at the illustration, talk about what is going on in it and what she thinks may happen next, she then goes back to the text with more confidence of what the words may convey. In Winnie’s Midnight Dragon she substituted ‘midnight’ for ‘magic’. She did not self- correct as ‘magic dragon’ makes syntactic and semantic sense. It was only when I prompted her did she use her synthetic phonic knowledge to blend the letters. For the sounding of midnight she pronounced it as ‘midnig-herty’-she used her knowledge of graphemes but not of the sound of the phoneme trigraph ‘igh’. She had to be reminded of the sound ‘igh’ makes, I explained that the ‘g’ is silent and we discussed ‘that English is a crazy language- the most loopy and wiggy of all tongues’ (Lederer, 1989, pg. 3). The word ‘high’ she pronounced as ‘hing’ but went back to self-correct as her cue was semantic and she knew the sentence didn’t make sense.

Monday, September 16, 2019

History of Dentistry Essay

Magic played an important part in the treatment of dental ills, and people of early ages had odd beliefs concerning teeth. The Egyptians believed that the mouse was under the direct protection of the sun, therefore if one had a toothache the split body of a warm mouse was applied to the affected side. In India the cusped of Buddha was enshrined in a famous temple (at Kandi) and prayed to in fertility rites. Prayers were offered up to saints for the relief of pain. St. Apollonia of Alexandria, 249 A.D., was one such saint. She is now the Patron Saint of Dentistry. II. Egyptians and Chinese. The first known dentist was an Egyptian named Hesi-Re (3000 B.C.). He was the chief dentist to the Pharaohs. He was also a physician, indicating an association between medicine and dentistry. In the 5th century B.C. Herodatus, a historian, described the medical art in Egypt: â€Å"The art of medicine is distributed thus: Each physician is a physician of one disease and no more; and the whole country is full of physicians, for some profess themselves to be physicians of the eyes, others of the head, others of the teeth, others of affections of the stomach, and others of more obscure ailments†. Dentistry today is somewhat specialized. The eight specialties are as follows: * 1901 Orthodontics * 1918 Oral Surgery * 1918 Periodontics * 1918 Prosthodontics * 1927 Pedodontics * 1937 Public Health * 1946 Oral Pathology * 1963 Endodontics The first evidence of a surgical operation was found in Egypt. A mandible with  two perforations just below the root of the first molar indicated the establishment of drainage of an abscessed tooth. The approximate date is 2750 B.C. The splinting of teeth also was practiced by Egyptians; evidence by a specimen from Cizeh, 2500 B.C. It shows two molars fastened with heavy gold wire. The Chinese were known to have treated dental ills with knife, cautery, and acupuncture, a technique whereby they punctured different areas of the body with a needle. There is no evidence of mechanical dentistry at that time, 2700 B.C., however. Marco Polo stated that the Chinese did cover teeth with thin gold leafs only as decorations, 1280 A.D. The earliest practice of the prosthetic arts was among the ancient Phoenicians circa 500 B.C. Hammarabi, ruler of all lower Meso-potamia (1760 B.C.), established a state controlled economy in which fees charged by physicians were set. His low code contained two paragraphs dealing with teeth: â€Å"If a person knocks out the teeth of an equal, his teeth shall be knocked out.† â€Å"If he knocks out the tooth of a freed slave, he shall pay one third of a mine.† Teeth were knocked out as a form of punishment among these early people. II. The Greeks, Etruscans and Romans A. The Greeks The contribution of the Greeks was mostly on the medical side. The ancient Greek physician, Aesculapius – 1250 B.C. – gained great frame for medical knowledge and skill. In time he was deified. Apollo was listed as his father. Aesculapius originated the art of bandaging and use of purgatives. He also advocated cleaning of teeth and extractions. Hippocrates (500 B.C.) was supposed to be a descendant of Aesculapius. Hippocrates became famous both as practitioner and writer on medical subjects. He did not believe in magic. He stressed nature’s role in healing. Hippocrates raised the art of medicine to a high level. Also in one of his texts (Peri-Arthron) he devoted 32 paragraphs to the dentition. He appreciated the importance of teeth. He accurately described the technique for reducing a fracture of the jaw and also for replacing a dislocated mandible. He was familiar with extraction forceps for this is mentioned in one of his writings. Aristotle – 384 B.C. – who follows Hippocrates, accurately described extraction forceps and in his book De Partibus Animal Culum devoted a complete chapter to the teeth. He also stated figs and soft sweets produce decay. He called it a putrefactive process instead of fermentative. B. The Etruscans. Etruscans (100 – 400 B.C.) in the hills of Central Italy made the greatest contribution in restorative dentistry. In Italian museums there are numerous specimens of crowns and bridges which were the equal of many made in Europe and America up until 1870 when the dental engine was invented. A very unusual specimen is a bridge constructed about 2500 years ago. This consists of several gold bands fastened to natural teeth and supporting three artificial teeth, two of which are made from a calf’s tooth grooved in the center to appear like two central incisors. Etruscan art, seen at its best in Florence, reflects some oriental influence but essentially it is their own. Conquered in 309 B.C., they were absorbed by the Roman Empire. VII. Founding of Universities and Introduction of Dental Texts Around 1300 universities like those at Paris, Oxford and Bologna were founded and important books made their appearance. One such text, Chirurgia Magna, was written by the famous French surgeon Guy de Chauliac in 1386. In this test he devoted some space to pathology and therapeutics of the teeth. Chauliac was first to coin the term dentator and dentists. The English term dentist came from his original terms. Following Chauliac cam Giovanni de Arcoli in 1400. His opinions and instruments were somewhat modern. His pelican for extraction of teeth was used for years and his root forceps could be used today. He advised good oral cleaning habits and to avoid hot and cold substances and sweet stuffs. He was first to mention filling teeth with gold. IV. Women in Dentistry. The first woman dentist in England was a widow of Dr. Povey – 1719. When he died she took over his practice. The first woman dentist in the United States was Emeline Rupert Jones of Connecticut. She too, took over her husband’s practice after he died. In 1854, soon after they were married, she offered to assist him. He refused, stating that dentistry was no occupation for frail and clumsy fingers. Secretly she filled several hundred extracted teeth and demonstrated her skill to her husband. He then let her operate on a few of his patients. After his death, she took over and practiced for at least 50 years. She was accepted in both the Connecticut State Dental Society in 1893 and National Dental Association in 1914. The honor of being the first woman graduate dentist goes to Dr. Lucy Hobbs, 1865. She graduated from the Ohio Dental College. Creighton University Boyne School of Dental Science: 1. Dr. Ellen Kelley – first woman graduate – 1908. 2. Dr. Marilyn Bradshaw – 1949 Last female graduate until: 3. Dr. Cheri Lewis – 1976 – first woman since Dr. Bradshaw. So as you can see, the history of Dentistry, involving rigorous discoveries and improvements, has come a long way. Entering the dental field is an unpredictable journey within itself.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

I.B. Comparative Politics and Economics (SL) Essay

In this article, The Economist talks about how the price for a barrel of oil has dropped below the fifty dollar mark, resting at $47.36. Though many people would be happy with this, it talks about how this could be cause for alarm as a possible indicator for a worsening economy. The main economic concept described in the article would have to be consumption because it ties in with many changes that will occur as an effect of oil prices going down. Consumption is basically what it says it is: the total spending by consumers of domestic goods and services. Another concept described in this article is that of aggregate demand, mainly because consumption is bound to it. Aggregate demand is the total spending on goods or services in a period of time at a given price. Lastly, Monetary Policy is touched on in this article since there is a deflation in prices those who control monetary policy cut interest rates. * Consumption: Because of the drop in oil and also economist’s predictions that it will drop even lower, we can probably guess that consumers will save more money when they buy gas. With this extra money, incomes change and go up. Income is one of the main factors of consumption because, when it rises, people have more money to spend on other things, which increases aggregate demand. Consumer confidence also plays a role in consumption and especially in this case because, if consumers believe that gas prices will become lower, then they will have a greater chance or spending more on various goods and services. * Aggregate Demand: Changes in any of the four determinants of aggregate demand will shift it, making it lower or higher depending on which way the determinant shifts. In this case, a graph of aggregate demand would be shifting to the left because price levels are going down as the cost of oil is decreasing. * Monetary Policy: Though not discussed to a deep extent in the article, it does say that in response to the price for a barrel of oil dropping â€Å"those setting monetary policy have had no hesitation in cutting interest rates dramatically.† They’re probably cutting them do to fears of deflation which would create a greater unemployment due to a decrease in profit. Cutting interest rates would decrease the incentive to save because the cost of borrowing would be lower, this would also increase investment. In this graph you can see that aggregate demand will shift from a change in price level. So, if we make the price level oil and it goes down, then we have our demand for it go up and the aggregate demand line will shift to the left (AD2). If we increase the price for oil, the exact opposite will occur and the line will shift to the right (AD3). This all comes back to monetary policy and the article talking about people cutting interest so that it could build up consumer confidence in spending. In terms of completeness of this article, I think The Economist does an overall decent job at explaining what was going on and what could come of it but I don’t think it really touched on what we should do (or what we are doing) as a country to prevent a shortage of oil. I think the article does a good job of assuming that, although we are pursuing renewable energy, oil will be with us for a while longer and that we need to jack up the prices to reduce demand so that we don’t have the shortage too soon. In the short term, the lowering of oil prices is immensely beneficial because it increases the amount of money consumers have to spend on goods and services, and it also increases consumer confidence, making them want to get loans and mortgages.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Scramble for Africa in Late 19th Century to Early 20th Century.

During the late 19th century and the early 20th century, European countries began their scramble for Africa which caused African to suffer from violence like wars, slavery and unfairness, but there was also a positive, peaceful and diplomatic consequences and events in Africa like fair trade system, new technology and the security given to Africans under European rule. An additional document written by an African commoner would help to further assess the African actions and reactions by telling what happened to them during that time period and their reaction towards that issue.European imperialism in Africa mainly caused violent acts and suffering to the African natives but there were positive event. Before European imperialisms, Africans lived their usual lives and attended their crops. However, during the imperialism, Africans had to attend European crops because they were treated like slaves and had to do the bearings for their colonizers (Doc. 4). There were also wars and rebelli ons against the Europeans to fight off their colonization deed because of the unfairness and suffering they had to endure.For example, machine guns, cannons and strategies and formation skills helped to efficiently kill people and cause suffering (Doc 5). Also the violence against Africans can’t be merely described in words, for Europeans took away their land and possessions. They burned their villages, killed and plundered and so their wickedness and injustice against the Africans were seen (Doc 9). A German officer said that the Africans had a magic medicine that would give them good harvest and invulnerability to Europeans.This would help them fight off the unfairness of slavery, under-wage labor, bulletproof ability and strength women and children from the hardships of war (Doc. 8). But by analyzing this document, we should take into account that this is written by a German officer. By interpreting this, we could see that the German officer is mocking the Africans for bei ng superstitious and using petty medicines to fight off their supreme power.Because the Germans saw themselves as a powerful nation through strong military tactics and improved technology, they are making fun of the Africans for using this medicine to win over their rule. However, Africans had a strong sense of nationalism, especially women, like Yaa Asantewa. As queen she saw the cowardliness of the chiefs and gave them a long speech about the bravery of Ashanti is gone and if they aren’t willing to go forward and protect the country, the women will. They would hold arms against the Europeans until the last of them dies (Doc. ). Also chief Maherero wrote a letter to another chief in order to help persuade him to take arms against the Europeans, to fight rather than die from weakly disease or maltreatment, etc. (Doc 7). This shows that’s strong sense of nationalism within Africa. Even though there were mostly war and violence, the source of suffering in Africa, there w ere also peaceful and positive means in colonization. Africans and Europeans signed a contract calling for equal trade, fairness, bettering of the people, no war and not interfering with native laws and customs. Doc. 1) However, because of the contact between African and Europeans through wars and other forms of contact, improved technologies were brought to African through the Europeans (Doc. 5). For example, machine guns, cannons and strategies and formation skills helped influenced the warfare in Africa, like the Battle of Adowa, where Ethiopians fought against the Italians and won. Also, Prempeh I declined British’s offer to become one of its protectorates, however he wants to stay under peaceful terms with them and traditional at the same time (Doc 2).When analyzing this document, we should take into account that Prempeh I is the king. So by interpreting this document, we could conclude that because he’s the king of Ashanti, if he became part of British’s p rotectorate countries, he would lose his power as king. Because by declining, it benefitted him, he decline British’s offer. The Emperor of Ethiopia also declined to become a protectorate under the Europeans because God had protected them and would continue to protect them for God doesn’t want to divide up Ethiopia (Doc 3).He also stated that God would help aid them in recovering their lost lands to Muslims. With this, we could conclude that Ethiopians during that time period is very Christian and believed in God. Europeans countries began to their imperialisms in Africa during the late 19th century and the early 20th century, where they caused violence and suffering like rebellions, slavery and unfairness to the Africans, but there was also a positive, peaceful and diplomatic events in Africa like fair trade system, new technology and the security given to Africans under European rule.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Against tithing in the modern-day christian church Essay

Against tithing in the modern-day christian church - Essay Example Tithing should not be practiced in the modern-day Church. There are several reasons for this, five good ones being the following: God does not dwell in churches made with human hands; the old Covenant cannot justify men through works and righteousness anymore; there would be less prosperity churches as well as their propaganda; the church can have a different approach towards giving than tithing; and the practice of tithing ended with the last book of the Old Testament in Malachi. These are just a few of the many reasons why tithing should not continue to be practiced in the modern Christian church. Tithing is an outdated notion which only serves to place a burden upon the people who have very little already—and casts a pall over the church as an organization that is only motivated by money and getting congregation members to handily donate or give to the Church. II. God’s New Covenant Dwells in a Body of Believers, Not a Physical Building Under the new Covenant, God do es not dwell in churches made with human hands—but rather dwells within a temple that is made of the body of believers. This is significant because Christians should not be focusing entirely on the revenue that a church creates through tithing, but rather make it a situation where people can donate or give openly or anonymously—in whatever fashion they see fit that is in line with church standards. Additionally, now believers under the new Covenant are now God's temple—and as such, the issue of tithing and giving 10% of one’s income is not an option.... , and—while people should still be encouraged to give freely to the church if it is within their power to do so—people should not be bullied into giving such a large portion of their income over to the Church, an obvious fact. III. Christ’s Appearance Abolished the Necessity for Tithing People used to tithe in the church in order to ensure that the Levirate (the priests who were descendants of Levi) were taken care of in order so that they could serve the church. Therefore, ten percent of the peoples’ offerings went to the priesthood. To continue such a practice by supporting pastors with ten percent of one’s income is not only based on a Biblical concept that is now out-of-date, but also unnecessary. The old Covenant cannot justify men through works and righteousness anymore, as Christ has already come. Since Christ came to the world because he loved the world—God having given ‘His only [begotten] son’ to pay recompense for the sins of the world—it no longer became necessary for the old rule of tithing to continue to stay in place.1 Christ died in order to bring the new Covenant into fruition, thus becoming the fulfillment of the law. People no longer had to abide by doing good works and seeking righteousness in order to secure their place in heaven. That is not saying people should not do good works or continue to live righteously—but works and righteousness are evidences that a Christian is still practicing the faith. These are the fruits of righteousness, which ever Christian should display. This is more important than some fabricated obligation to â€Å"give God 10%.† Christ should be the focus in the Church’s congregation, with every church appropriately divining God’s message as the churches’ missions are developed into full-fledged

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Diet and Exercise Can Help Loose Weight Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Diet and Exercise Can Help Loose Weight - Essay Example Rather, the issue should be more on what benefits one can get when dieting or exercising or when practicing both. Studies show that exercise can help a person control his weight as well as dieting does. When exercise alone is practiced without watching one’s diet, prolonged physical activity is needed in order to burn the fat taken along with food consumption if weight management is desired. On the other hand, watching one’s diet without exercise can also help reduce or maintain weight depending on the person’s objective. It is a known fact that fruits and vegetables are a great help to one who wants to maintain his weight so that increased intake of such would be most beneficial especially in getting the fiber which is most needed in keeping one’s system clean. In addition, exercise and diet help reduce the risks of certain chronic diseases like cancer and heart attack. Regular exercise boosts high density lipoprotein otherwise known as good cholesterol a nd reduces triglycerides, allowing a smooth blood flow with the lowered build up of plaques in the arteries (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2010).

Team Sports Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3

Team Sports Economics - Essay Example Beyond the scene that regards hosting such events, there are certain synergies of mega-event sports competitions that could result in economic development to the city or even the entire country as a whole. There was a great deal of focus on the economic potentials of the 2012 London Olympics for the city and the country as a whole. Articles have been penned on the economic impacts of the London Olympics not only for the economy of the metropolis, but for the entire country as a whole. According to Great Britain (2012), predictions the GDP growth could have been affected by the Olympics games. The associated ticket sales that had been prepared for the 2012 Olympics games had been estimated to be about 0.1 percent of the UK economy, and the economic effects would be realized in the final quarter of the year (Great Britain, 2012: 45). According to the Word Bank (2012) the economic growth for the United Kingdom’s economy was 0.3%m therefore a contribution of 0.1% on the UK’s economy represents a significant contribution to the economy. on a micro economic level, sports events attracts a hordes of sports fans who troupe into a city’s hotels, restaurants, and businesses and bring forth a lot of money to such functions and the auxiliaries. According to the Office for National Statistics (2012) the visitors to the city during the games summed to over half a million spending an estimated average amount of  £1,290 per person, twice the amount spent by the non Olympic visitors. Preparations for these games involve a great deal of preparation which covers a huge outlay of funds for infrastructural developments. The high level of standards demanded by the International Olympic Committee, which includes the infrastructural developments as well as the security arrangements, makes an intrusion of the tax payer’s pockets mandatory. But despite the huge costs that these events have on the economy, profit must certainly

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Gender Discrimination in Five Star Hotels Essay

Gender Discrimination in Five Star Hotels - Essay Example The essay "Gender Discrimination in Five Star Hotels" talks about the gender discrimination in five-star hotels and its impact on their career. Hotels are a part of the hospitality industry which is one of the oldest industries in the world. A hotel provides a temporary stay for its customers.A hotel provides a carefree atmosphere for its customers. It is a very sociable industry; its employees have a very high exposure to the customers. Looking at its contribution to the economy we can say that it is one of the most fast growing and biggest industries of the world. Almost 10% of the gross national product is due to this hotel industry. In 2005, it gave revenue of almost  £27 billion. After 2000 there was an increase of almost 4.5% in the hotel sector. In 2004, it gave almost  £11.5 billion revenue. This huge increase shows that it is one of the fastest-growing industries. In 2002, there were almost 280 000 employees in almost 40 000 establishments. London is the hub of hotel est ablishments in the UK.In recent years we can notice that the hotel sector has been growing very fast. The main reasons for this are mergers and acquisitions. Sheraton Park Tower Hotel, Marriott London Park Lane, The London Hilton on Park Lane, Intercontinental etc are all five-star hotels in the UK. There are many big names in this sector of the hospitality industry, there is almost nothing being done in case of human resource management. Employment opportunities in the hospitality profession abound all over the world.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8

Advertising - Essay Example However, choosing will depend on how appealing the song is to the public. At Blaze media, we have the task to help the band. We are going to run a test on the best songs before deciding on the one A medium used in advertising depends with the target group. Since the Pawnshop’s target is for people between ages of 18 to 40 years, it is very effective to used internet as a medium to market the music. Most youths spend most of their free time on the internet and majorly (Arens et al, 13) social sites. This will work very effectively because the message about the band will circulate among the internet users. Without disputing the possibility of having people above forty years who may have an interest in the band’s music, it will be very effective if we choose stage performances in clubs and hotels. This is another great medium. It brings the real band close to the fans who may feel so attached to it. Most expectedly, if the shows are very lively, a good number of the fans will love to buy a copy of the music album and may extend a helping hand to enable the group to expand. Since a good percentage of the advertisement is through social media and other related internet platforms, it is very important to make use of Ads so that interested parties and fans can follow the links to get to the home page for further details. Among the most important requirements is the use of catchy headlines. Though there are so many ways of making headlines and Ad links colorful, it must as well show some professionalism. Making a headline of the advert flashy will at times attract customers but may end up annoying most of them because of the excess application of technological effects. Therefore, it has to be simple, attractive and in a color that majority of the internet users are comfortable with. Creating a band in town app on social media like Face book makes it easy for the band to communicate with the fans who love using social sites. The app updates fans on when the band

Monday, September 9, 2019

Comparison Between The Number of Web Sites of The Gulf Cooperation Research Paper

Comparison Between The Number of Web Sites of The Gulf Cooperation Council and its Services and E-Government Website - Research Paper Example However, in order to distribute information on the internet, an interface is used, which is known as a Web site. A Web site contains a lot of hyperlinks and contents conveying the message of that particular Web site (Norton, 2001; Shelly et al., 2005). For instance, a web site of a university contains information about that university. In the same way, the Hukoomi is a Web Portal, which offers the people access to information regarding the State of Qatar. It links us with government programs, services, initiatives and events (Government of Qatar, 2012). In addition, through cooperation with government organizations and public service suppliers, the Hukoomi has appeared to build online information more readily accessible at our fingertips. Additionally, the online national web portal hosts a number of significant e-services, and government service application, documents, forms and general information (Government of Qatar, 2012). This report presents a detailed comparison between a num ber of Web sites of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and their services and other e-government websites to know the country and the needs of the Country Website development and optimization and preference. This report will present a detailed analysis of a wide variety of aspects of the Hukoomi in comparison with rest of the Gulf States in terms of electronic services and e-government support. The basic purpose of this comparison is to determine the needs and requirements that are necessary to know for building an effective and informative web site. This analysis will determine what should be included in the web site to make it perfect, with the intention that it could better serve its community. A detailed Comparison This section presents a detailed comparison between different web sites. For this purpose, I have divided this comparison into different parts (depending on the features of a web site). In this scenario, I will compare different features and services which are availab le or should be available at Hukoomi but it is not there and what services are available on other portals. 1- National Overview The first feature or support that we will analyze in this comparison is about presentation of national overview. In this scenario, the Hukoomi offers a good national overview; however, at this web site comprehensive national overview is missing. The national overview of Hukoomi can include information regarding national resources, population, geography and tourism. On the other hand, the Main Page of existing website does not contain such details. As this web site is aimed at presenting a detailed overview of the country so it needs to offer a brief but comprehensive overview of the State of Qatar. In this scenario, we need to add some links in a small portion of the Main Page of the website so that people could know about

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Cultural communication Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Cultural communication - Coursework Example Daley considers himself as constructive participant of the society and characterizes professor as having lack of courage and personal power. Daley says that mother’s role in bringing up the sons cannot be negated, as they are the one who enable their sons to be a part of society and develop into men. Daley’s Council Speech expresses a code of honor. The code of honor that is described in the chapter, Mayor Daleys Council Speech, deals with consideration of an individual not as an individual but as a part of a larger group. It also differs with different cultures of communication. In Daley’s culture, there was a custom, whenever men insulted each other or passed negative remarks on each other, they were at once ready to take off their cloaks, which depicted towards their lose of control in terms of temperament. They wanted to fight the other person because of his offensive comments and during their fight or before the conductance of the fight, their mothers used to intervene so that they could drag their sons backward in order to stay from the fight. Code of honor is related to cultural code of communication. Daley followed his code of honor by being infuriated by the comments of Richard Simpson, after which, he responded in the same fashion, as was a custom of his culture. He described mother’s role as constructive because she used to stop her sons from fighting. Code of honor also dealt with the superiority in debate and warfare. Daley adhered to the moral as well as instrumental aspects of the code of honor. The written speech looked very informative related to the speech of Daley but audiovisual evidence in the form of the film, Daley, helped a lot in understanding the whole idea behind the infuriation of Daley and the offence of Richard Simpson. It is generally said that audiovisual depiction of something is more comprehensive

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Investment between China and Africa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Investment between China and Africa - Essay Example The researcher states that many studies have shown that China is currently the major destination of foreign direct investment from many parts of the world. However, Chinese have also been aggressive in making investments in other foreign countries with African region being their major target. Just like many other developed countries, China has been engaged in a vicious competition with other countries like the USA and other developed European countries like the United Kingdom in the scramble for resources in Africa. This has been attributed by the fact that Africa is currently the leading continent with so much untapped potential that includes unexploited natural resources and availability of abundant business opportunities resulting from the undeveloped nature of most of its countries. This has made governments of various states apply different strategies in order to have at least a significant pie in these developing economies, one being creating good relationships. China is one of the giant economies in the world today has been applying all means possible in luring African countries to enter into treaties and good business relations, a factor that has made some of the major Chinese companies establish their operations in Africa. Some studies have shown that China is the leading bilateral trade partner with Africa, a two-way trade that has dramatically been growing in the past two decades through the major growth has experienced in the last one decade. In the year 2011, the bilateral trade between China and Africa is estimated to be over US$166 billion from US$10.6 billion in the year 2000. This growth can only be termed as incredible and is likely to grow at an even higher rate in the coming years.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Online dating Essay Example for Free

Online dating Essay Online dating which allows individuals, couples and groups to make contact and communicate with each other over the Internet, usually with the objective of developing a personal romantic or sexual relationship. Around 30% of Americas 80 million baby boomers are single. Since 2003, several free dating sites, operating on ad based-revenue rather than monthly subscriptions, have appeared and become increasingly popular. These advertisements are nothing but merely deception. The way it works is impractical and unrealistic. Id say it is one of the most passive ways that some lonely person sitting on his couch all day can find the fantasy woman of his dreams. Advertisers use different methods to attract consumers in an effort to entice them to buy their products. E-Harmony, an online dating service, uses a form of deception to attract the consumer in an attempt to lure the person into signing up for their dating service. Their practice is not entirely deceptive, but is for the most part. The ad portrays two people, blissfully in love. With brightly lit smiles while gazing lovingly into each others eyes, each person explains how he or she found their own true love by using this service. The e-Harmony success story continues as they explain how the person they are madly in love with is simply perfect for them in every way. Love and romance practically jumps out from the ad. The ad is somewhat deceptive because it makes it look like all a lonely person who is looking for a meaningful relationship has to do is go to e-Harmony, and he or she will instantly find true love. Yes, it is possible to find someone using this service but it is not realistic. People who use the service go through a longer process, meeting different potential partners, getting to know them and more than likely moving on to the next prospect. The ad makes it look too easy to find someone to be involved with in a serious relationship. By placing the entire focus on the ultimate goal, and exaggerating the potential end result (two people madly in love) plays on the viewers emotions. Someone who is in this situation may be vulnerable, so being subjected to the image of lovers ultimate bliss, may cause him or her not to think rationally. That picture of two exceedingly happy lovers is what that viewer may yearn for to the point of believing what the ad sells, an expectation that is more than likely too high.