Friday, November 29, 2019
Ethical Implications of Adverse Conditioning Essay Example
Ethical Implications of Adverse Conditioning Paper Ethical Implications of Aversive Conditioning It is not usual for psychologists to give prominence to ethical issues and Skinner is no exception. However, in writing about the application of behavioral analysis to significant issues in human behavior. Skinner stresses three issues which have general ethical implications. The use of positive reinforcement, the minimization of punishment contingencies and the specification of objectives (Skinner 1953, 1971). Aversive Conditioning is the use of unpleasant stimuli to induce behavior. It means, for example, causing pain to the subject each time he or she shows a behavior that is o be eradicated (Castro 2004). This distinction may also be applied to lower level learning, such as occurred with PavloVs dogs or pigeons in the Skinner box. A dog that salivates when hearing a bell is demonstrating a declarative knowledge, he knows that after the bell comes the food. A pigeon pressing a lever to get food is effectively applying procedural knowledge, it learned how to obtain food. The most important experimental result from the laboratory study of learning is that, for all kinds of learning, the process is more efficient when learning is accomplished in epeated sessions of short duration than in few sessions of long duration. Aversive procedures are used most commonly in the areas of developmental disabilities and to deal with disorders of sexual arousal such as pedophilia and exhibitionism (Repp Singh 1990). In the American Journal of Mental Retardation, the following guidelines for the use of aversive procedures are as follows: Aversive procedures should be used only if the scientific literature supports their use for a specified condition. Aversive procedures should only be used when the targeted behaviors re clearly of danger to the client or others, and there is well documented evidence that non-aversive interventions by competent practitioners have been tried and failed. Aversive procedures should only be used within a broad program of intervention and management. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethical Implications of Adverse Conditioning specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Ethical Implications of Adverse Conditioning specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Ethical Implications of Adverse Conditioning specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In addition to the use of aversive procedures for reducing challenging behavior, there must be concomitant intervention programs to promote the adaptive skill levels of clients. In all instances where aversive procedures are used, informed consent must have been given by the client or a legal guardian of the client prior to commencement of their use. Developmentally and culturally appropriate explanation of the aversive procedure and its objectives must be provided to clients. Psychologists using aversive procedures must always be familiar with and comply with any legislative requirements regarding the use of aversive procedures. Psychologists who use aversive procedures should have an advanced level of training in the use of behavioral therapies. In all instances where aversive procedures are used with developmentally and intellectually disadvantaged populations and children, a broadly based group should monitor the use of such rocedures. This group should include specialists in the use of aversive procedures, and people who safeguard the rights of the client. In the case of non-intellectually disadvantaged consenting adult clients, it is advisable that the treating psychologist using aversive procedures seek advice and/or supervision from colleagues (American Journal of Mental Retardation 1990). As you can see buy these guidelines the clients are well InTormea ana are taken care 0T In every extreme. Altnougn all provlslon 0T psychological services raises ethical issues, regardless of its theoretical nderpinnings, behavior modification has always received considerable scrutiny. That scrutiny has often been complicated by the existence of a negative image of behavior modification, bases on a number of popular and long held misconceptions. These include the view that behavior modifiers seek to impose control over human behavior that behavioral analysis is a type of mechanic psychology, and that aversive and punitive methods are routinely part of behavior modification. All these misconceptions should be corrected as a preliminary to considering the actual ethical basis of behavioral modification. Skinner took the view that positive einforcement should be preferred because punishment was undesirable and ineffective. In conclusion Aversive procedures are used in combination with other behavioral and cognitive strategies, and have been found to be useful in the management of impulse control problems. Aversive procedures are not in any way intended to cause harm to the individual. Thus it is beneficial for these individuals to seek help with the use of aversive conditioning so as to help the positive outcome of treatment. It will help with a better outlook on the individuals life. Works Cited American Journal of Mental Retardation 1990, 95, Special Issue. Castro, Hector. Aversive Conditioning and Negative Reinforcement. The Science of Mind. 2004 Guidelines for the Use of Aversive Procedures. The Australian Psychological Society Limited. ABN 23 000 543 788 Leslie, Julian C. Ethical Implications of Behavior Modification, Historical and Current Issues. The Psychological Record, 1997 47 637-648 Repp, A. and Singh, N. Perspectives on the use of nonaversive and aversive interventions for persons with developmental disabilities. P Eds. NY USA Skinner, B. F. Science and Human Behavior. Macmillan. 1953 NY Skinner, B. F. Beyond Freedom and Dignity. Bantam. 1971 NY
Monday, November 25, 2019
Jose Miguel Carrera - Biography of Jose Miguel Carrera
Jose Miguel Carrera - Biography of Jose Miguel Carrera Josà © Miguel Carrera Verdugo (1785-1821) was a Chilean general and dictator who fought for the patriot side in Chiles War for Independence from Spain (1810-1826). Together with his two brothers, Luà s and Juan Josà ©, Josà © Miguel fought the Spanish up and down Chile for years and served as head of government when breaks in the chaos and fighting allowed. He was a charismatic leader but a shortsighted administrator and a military leader of average skills. He was often at odds with Chiles liberator, Bernardo OHiggins. He was executed in 1821 for conspiring against OHiggins and Argentine liberator Josà © de San Martà n. Early Life Josà © Miguel Carrera was born on October 15, 1785 into one of the wealthiest and most influential families in all of Chile: they could trace their lineage all the way to the conquest. He and his brothers Juan Josà © and Luà s (and sister Javiera) had the best education available in Chile. After his schooling, he was sent to Spain, where he soon became swept up in the chaos of Napoleons 1808 invasion. Fighting against the Napoleonic forces, he was promoted to Sergeant Major. When he heard that Chile had proclaimed a provisional independence he returned to his homeland. Josà © Miguel Takes Control In 1811, Josà © Miguel returned to Chile to find it ruled by a junta of leading citizens (including his father Ignacio) who were nominally loyal to the still-imprisoned King Ferdinand VII of Spain. The junta was taking baby steps towards real independence, but not quickly enough for the hot-tempered Josà © Miguel. With the support of the powerful Larrain family, Josà © Miguel and his brothers staged a coup on November 15, 1811. When the Larrains tried to sideline the Carrera brothers afterwards, Josà © Manuel initiated a second coup in December, setting himself up as dictator. A Nation Divided Although the people of Santiago grudgingly accepted the dictatorship of Carrera, the people of the southern city of Concepcià ³n did not, preferring the more benign rule of Juan Martà nez de Rozas. Neither city recognized the authority of the other and civil war seemed certain to break out. Carrera, with the unwitting aid of Bernardo OHiggins, was able to stall until his army was too strong to resist: in March of 1812, Carrera attacked and captured the city of Valdivia, which had supported Rozas. After this show of force, the leaders of the Concepcià ³n military overthrew the ruling junta and pledged support to Carrera. The Spanish Counterattack While rebel forces and leaders had been divided among themselves, Spain was preparing a counterattack. The Viceroy of Peru sent Marine Brigadier Antonio Pareja to Chile with only 50 men and 50,000 pesos and told him to do away with the rebels: by March, Parejas army had swollen to some 2,000 men and he was able to capture Concepcià ³n. Rebel leaders formerly at odds with Carrera, such as OHiggins, united to fight off the common threat. The Siege of Chilln Carrera cleverly cut off Pareja from his supply lines and trapped him in the city of Chilln in July of 1813. The city is well-fortified, and Spanish commander Juan Francisco Snchez (who replaced Pareja after his death in May 1813) had some 4,000 troops there. Carrera laid an ill-advised siege during the harsh Chilean winter: desertions and death were high among his troops. OHiggins distinguished himself during the siege, driving back an attempt by the royalists to break through patriot lines. When the patriots managed to capture a part of the city, the soldiers looted and raped, driving more Chileans to support the royalists. Carrera had to break off the siege, his army in tatters and decimated. The Surprise of El Roble On October 17, 1813, Carrera was making plans for a second assault on the city of Chilln when a sneak attack by Spanish troops caught him unawares. As the rebels slept, royalists crept in, knifing the sentries. One dying sentry, Miguel Bravo, fired his rifle, alerting the patriots to the threat. As the two sides joined in battle, Carrera, thinking all was lost, drove his horse into the river to save himself. OHiggins, meanwhile, rallied the men and drove off the Spanish despite a bullet wound in his leg. Not only had a disaster been averted, but OHiggins had turned a probable rout into a well-needed victory. Replaced by OHiggins While Carrera has disgraced himself with the disastrous siege of Chilln and cowardice at El Roble, OHiggins had shone at both engagements. The ruling junta in Santiago replaced Carrera with OHiggins as commander-in-chief of the army. The modest OHiggins scored further points by supporting Carrera, but the junta was adamant. Carrera was named ambassador to Argentina. He may or may not have intended to go there: he and his brother Luà s were captured by a Spanish patrol on March 4, 1814. When a temporary truce was signed later that month, the Carrera brothers were freed: the royalists cleverly told them that OHiggins intended to capture and execute them. Carrera did not trust OHiggins and refused to join him in his defense of Santiago from advancing royalist forces. Civil War On June 23, 1814, Carrera led a coup that put him back in command of Chile. Some members of the government fled to the city of Talca, where they begged OHiggins to restore the constitutional government. OHiggins obliged, and met Luà s Carrera on the field at the Battle of Tres Acequias on August 24, 1814. OHiggins was defeated and driven off. It appeared that more warring was imminent, but the rebels once again had to face a common enemy: thousands of new royalist troops sent from Peru under the command of Brigadier General Mariano Osorio. Because of his loss at the battle of Tres Acequias, OHiggins agreed to a position subordinate to that of Josà © Miguel Carrera when their armies were united. Exiled After OHiggins failed to stop the Spanish at the city of Rancagua (in large part because Carrera called off reinforcements), the decision was made by patriot leaders to abandon Santiago and head into exile in Argentina. OHiggins and Carrera met again there: prestigious Argentine General Josà © de San Martà n supported OHiggins over Carrera. When Luà s Carrera killed OHiggins mentor Juan Mackenna in a duel, OHiggins turned forever on the Carrera clan, his patience with them exhausted. Carrera went to the USA to seek ships and mercenaries. Return to Argentina In early 1817, OHiggins was working with San Martà n to secure the liberation of Chile. Carrera returned with a warship that he had managed to acquire in the USA, along with some volunteers. When he heard of the plan to liberate Chile, he asked to be included, but OHiggins refused. Javiera Carrera, Josà © Miguels sister, came up with a plot to liberate Chile and get rid of OHiggins: brothers Juan Josà © and Luà s would sneak back into Chile in disguise, infiltrate the liberating army, arrest OHiggins and San Martà n, and then lead the liberation of Chile themselves. Josà © Manuel did not approve the plan, which ended in disaster when his brothers were arrested and sent to Mendoza, where they were executed on April 8, 1818. Carrera and the Chilean Legion Josà © Miguel went mad with rage at the execution of his brothers. Seeking to raise his own army of liberation, he collected some 600 Chilean refugees and formed the Chilean Legion and headed to Patagonia. There, the legion rampaged through Argentine towns, sacking and plundering them in the name of gathering resources and recruits for a return to Chile. At the time, there was no central authority in Argentina, and the nation was ruled by a number of warlords similar to Carrera. Imprisonment and Death Carrera was eventually defeated and captured by the Argentine Governor of Cuyo. He was sent in chains to Mendoza, the same city where his brothers had been executed. On September 4, 1821, he too was executed there. His final words were I die for the liberty of America. He was so despised by the Argentines that his body was quartered and put on show in iron cages. OHiggins personally sent a letter to the Governor of Cuyo, thanking him for putting down Carrera. Legacy of Josà © Miguel Carrera Josà © Miguel Carrera is considered by Chileans to be one of the founding fathers of their nation, a great revolutionary hero who helped Bernardo OHiggins win independence from Spain. His name is a bit besmirched due to his constant bickering with OHiggins, considered by Chileans to be the greatest leader of the independence era. This somewhat qualified reverence on the part of modern Chileans seems a fair judgment of his legacy. Carrera was a towering figure in Chilean independence military and politics from 1812 to 1814, and he did much to secure Chiles independence. This good must be weighed against his errors and shortcomings, which were considerable. On the positive side, Carrera stepped into an indecisive and fractured independence movement upon his return to Chile in late 1811. He took command, providing leadership when the young republic most needed it. The son of a wealthy family who had served in the Peninsular War, he commanded respect among the military and the wealthy Creole landowner class. The support of both of these elements of society was key to maintaining the revolution. During his limited reign as dictator, Chile adopted its first constitution, established its own media and founded a national university. The first Chilean flag was adopted during this time. Slaves were freed, and the aristocracy was abolished. Carrera made many mistakes as well. He and his brothers could be very treacherous, and they used devious schemes to help them remain in power: at the Battle of Rancagua, Carrera refused to send reinforcements to OHiggins (and his own brother Juan Josà ©, fighting alongside OHiggins) partly in order to make OHiggins lose and look incompetent. OHiggins later got word that the brothers planned to assassinate him if he had won the battle. Carrera was not nearly as skilled a general as he thought he was. His disastrous mismanagement of the Siege of Chilln led to the loss of a great portion of the rebel army when it was most needed, and his decision to recall the troops under the command of his brother Luà s from the battle of Rancagua led to a disaster of epic proportions. After the patriots fled to Argentina, his constant bickering with San Martà n, OHiggins and others failed to allow the creation of a unified, coherent liberation force: only when he went to the USA in search of aid was such a force allowed to form in his absence. Even today, Chileans cannot quite agree on his legacy. Many Chilean historians believe that Carrera deserves more credit for Chilean liberation than OHiggins and the topic is openly debated in certain circles. The Carrera family has remained prominent in Chile. General Carrera Lake is named after him. Sources: Concha Cruz, Alejandor and Maltà ©s Cortà ©s, Julio. Historia de Chile Santiago: Bibliogrfica Internacional, 2008. Harvey, Robert. Liberators: Latin Americas Struggle for Independence Woodstock: The Overlook Press, 2000. Lynch, John. The Spanish American Revolutions 1808-1826 New York: W. W. Norton Company, 1986. Scheina, Robert L. Latin Americas Wars, Volume 1: The Age of the Caudillo 1791-1899 Washington, D.C.: Brasseys Inc., 2003.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Business writing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business writing - Assignment Example Considering the volume of our consumption, the savings from a lowered fuel cost would surely enhance your bottom line. Conversion is also relatively easy because the conversion kit is readily available and can be easily installed. The conversion cost is minimal which can easily be defrayed by the savings in gas. In addition, the carbon emission of a CNG powered bus is way lower than fossil based fuel thus enabling us to not only help save the environment but also from hefty government fines of smoke belching. Currently, most buses in the United States are already on CNG due to the above mentioned advantages. Cleaning oneââ¬â¢s bathroom can be challenge. Sometimes we are just overwhelmed on the things that needs to cleaned (sink, toilet and tub/shower) that we do not know where to start. We once tried cleaning it ourselves and it felt like it took forever just to clean it. The key to cleaning a bathroom however entails knowing what and how to clean it to be able to finish it quickly. The first step in getting it done efficiently is to remove things that do not belong in the bathroom. Things that are not supposed to be in the bathroom is what makes cleaning it seem to be a drag. One things that do not belong to the bathroom are removed (such as used shirt, trash, hangers, etch), it would be helpful to apply disinfectant and bleaching solution (zonrox) to the tiles, wall, faucet sink, toilet seat and its hole. This will soften the grime and the dirt which makes cleaning more efficient. Leave the disinfectant and bleach for a while. Remove the toiletries and also put disinfectant on their areas. After few minutes, scrub the wall with a cleaning detergent first (I personally prefer Tide). They are easier to scrub with soap now because the bleaching solution melted the grimes. Then the faucet sink, the cabinets and the tub. Clean the toilet bowl last so that the disinfectant and bleaching
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Human Resource Development Practices Research Paper
Human Resource Development Practices - Research Paper Example In order to prepare the organization for any changes that may emerge with the evolution of the external and internal environment of the business, the human resource team of PAC Resources has already introduced new strategies with respect to staffing, safety, and security of the employees, compensation and benefits and training and development practices. It can be identified from the overall analysis of the situation of PAC Resources that the company is moving in the right direction with respect to the human resource development practices. The SWOT analysis indicates that the company has several strengths which it can use to tap into the opportunities and overcome the threats in the external business environment. The company has launched several effective human resources development initiatives like training and development programs, knowledge management plans, safety and security management of the employees and new staffing strategies. PAC Resources has also embarked on a number of useful initiatives to strengthen the employee relations and build up an overall supportive organizational environment and culture that would foster the growth of the individual employees as well as the company as a whole. Ã Ã
Monday, November 18, 2019
THe importance of art education within our society and educational Essay
THe importance of art education within our society and educational systems - Essay Example In these regards, one might consider the purpose behind including mathematics in education. In great part, individuals will never directly use the mathematical skills they gain in real life situations, however the challenge and process of solving the equations can be transferred to challenges later in life; in the same regards, an art education can be implemented in future careers and life scenarios. In addition to the importance art education has for developing skills, I also believe it is important as it imbues students with a sense of cultural appreciation. When one considers that in great part the function of museums that exhibit art is to highlight the cultural significance of the specific time period or cultural milieu in which the work was created, it is clear that learning about and understanding art is important for the very fabric of society. In this respect, art appreciation allows individuals an added perspective into the historical nature of past and current cultures. Th is appreciation makes individuals more intelligent and open-minded, benefitting both themselves and the world in which they live.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Issues of the Development of Brownfield Sites
Issues of the Development of Brownfield Sites Introduction: Brownfield land, or previously developed land (PDL), ââ¬Å" is that which is or was occupied by a permanent structure, including the curtilage of the developed land and any associated fixed surface infrastructure.â⬠This is the definition given in Planning Policy Statement 3 (PPS3) Housing, by the British Government, however in the United States the definition has been notably tweaked over time. The US Environment Protection Agency in 1997 quoted brownfields as being ââ¬Å" abandoned, idled or under-used industrial and commercial facilities where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived contamination.â⬠This description was however updated in 2002 to become ââ¬Å" real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or re-use of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant or contaminant.â⬠The development of brownfield sites has been an area of great debate and discussion for many years. There are numerous issues surrounding their re-use from almost every viewpoint. Developers have historically been reluctant and unenthusiastic to make use of them for any new planned schemes for a variety of reasons. There can be great costs associated with the cleanup of a brownfield site depending on its previous employment. Further to this, legislation held every past and present owner of brownfield property completely responsible for any pollution or contamination to nearby people or property thereby presenting a large risk for potential developers. As time has passed by, non-built-up space available for construction of any type of buildings has diminished and therefore the Governments of most countries have made policies in a bid to control over-expansion and prevent urban sprawl. Clearly this has an impact on brownfield sites and their usage or potential regeneration. Another important area that warrants discussion is what has been termed as ââ¬Ësustainable development defined as, ââ¬Å"development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.â⬠(World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987) Sustainable development has become an objective which Governments throughout the world strive for. It is the core principal underpinning planning and aims to ensure a better quality of life for everyone, now and in the future. Poor planning can lead to run-down town centres, unsafe and dilapidated housing, and the loss of countryside. (HMG, PPS 1 Delivering Sustainable Development, 2005) Governmental policies are often introduced, altered or even eradicated depending on the state of the economy. A recent example is the reduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) carried out by the Government in the United Kingdom (UK) which was an attempt to try to limit the effects of recession by putting extra money in the pockets of consumers. Brownfield land can be affected in many ways by changes to existing economic policies and particularly planning legislation and guidelines, for example, they were brought very much more in to the spotlight with the establishment and enforcement of greenbelt land. This said, it is not just directly linked policies that can influence brownfields. The Government has five main economic goals and land use impacts on a number of these main goal areas particularly the protection of the environment, economic growth and unemployment. Research Question: The purpose of the project is to explore the issues surrounding brownfield sites for developers and the Government alike; including the incentives and support they offer, as well as restrictions they must adhere to or can receive. Further aims are to develop a deep understanding of land use focussing on brownfield land, the necessity for its redevelopment and consequences if it is left deserted and barren. The question itself centres on how the Government aims to encourage and drive new development towards brownfield sites or PDL, and whether the policies, legislation, and guidelines they introduce or modify are accomplishing this. Aims and Objectives: To investigate the current regulations, guidelines and policies regarding the re-use of brownfield or previously developed land. To understand whether these measures are strong enough to encourage the use of brownfield or previously developed land, and study their effectiveness. To discover whether the quantity of brownfield land being redeveloped has risen since these regulations and incentives have been in place. To examine the major issues and obstacles hindering the re-use of brownfield land. Research Methodology: This chapter describes the method of data collection and gives reasons why these methods were chosen. The research encompassed three different means of data collection. Documentation, journals and book research. A case study method of research. A question based interview with a property professional. Documents, books and journals from the Government, professional bodies, public libraries and the internet will be reviewed as data sources. These will offer official information on policies or guidelines as well as help to analyse the findings from case studies and the questionnaire. Documentation in this form will help to present reliable, certified and unbiased information on brownfield redevelopment in general and further helpful information. This information will include Government reports, policy statements on the environment and planning, incentive plans, consulting reports of sites carried out by professional bodies, as well as market research and statistics. Through studying this data the researcher will be able to gain an in depth understanding of the regulations surrounding brownfields and their redevelopment, but also more detailed knowledge and comprehension of the many aspects involved. A case study method of research, involving two large scale developments, was decided upon as a reflection of the redevelopment process of a brownfield site. These will give an insight from the beginning all through the various stages to the final new usage being carried out upon the site. It will be possible to measure the success of brownfield redevelopment, primarily it will be successful purely if there is a new use for the site rather than if no redevelopment occurred at all, and it lay derelict. Brownfield redevelopment is a complicated economic, social and environmental phenomenon requiring a close and in-depth study. Further to these studies a questionnaire interviews conducted with developers for property investment and development companies, to gain a developers viewpoint on the subject of brownfield redevelopment. Five professionals were contacted and asked for their opinions on the issue. The answers to important questions on the subject will help determine the current outlook on new development projects and whether professionals are still looking at greenfields. Literature Review: Definition of Brownfield Land/Sites Brownfield sites are found in former industrial, commercial and residential areas normally in cities, however many are also found in older suburbs or small towns. (Greenberg M et al, 2001) Often Brownfield sites can be traced through economic history and the evolution of industrial areas. The industrial revolution caused great heavy industrial development in certain areas across the UK; they located around transport links including rivers, the canal network and railways. As time passed, after the wars, deindustrialisation and industry decentralisation occurred and therefore the old factories and some housing became obsolete, leaving Brownfield sites often in central city zones. The Increased Importance of Brownfields For a long time Brownfield sites were not a major concern for Governments worldwide, they were just derelict or abandoned sites, eyesores, waiting for new owners and uses. ââ¬Å"In the 1990s business and community leaders began to see the successful redevelopment of brownfields as a major policy issue.â⬠(Gorman H S, 2003) Brownfield sites are increasingly important as space is not a multiplying entity; furthermore with planning controls now restricting certain land to remain as open space, land for new development opportunities is harder and harder to come by. Brownfields offer a great alternative development option to Greenbelt (or open space) development. As one of the Governments goals, protection of the environment implies the idea of trying to retain as much open space as possible, as well as preventing urban sprawl. Furthermore in its continued aim for sustainable development, open space is highly important, as well as ensuring new development schemes are energy efficient and as non-detrimental as possible to the environment. One of the central policies to endorse these objectives and impact on brownfield re-use is the introduction of green belts (or green belt land) around settlements where planning permission is extremely hard to gain for any proposed construction. The first official proposal to retain open spaces around developments and provide open space came as early as 1935 made by the Greater London Regional Planning Committee. Since then the codification of greenbelt land and its extension to areas other than London occurred in 1955, with the control policies still remaining valid today. (HMG 2001, PPG2 Green Belts) Green belts now cover approximately 1,556,000 hectares or about 12% of land in England. In PPG2 Green Belts the Government sets out guidelines on the re-use of buildings or sites on green belt land, but there are more strict controls and expansion or extension is almost impossible as it would conflict with the openness of the land. This said there is at a willingness to consider schemes on what is protected, heavily regulated land when all said and done. Overview of Governmental Intervention In the United States the Government there have what is called a ââ¬Ësmart growth policy which is ââ¬Å"centered on Brownfield redevelopment it directs legislation, dollars, and governments moral powers toward attracting developers and individual investors, non-profit organizations, and community groups to neighbourhoods with underutilized or abandoned properties rather than to pristine Greenfields.â⬠(Greenberg M et al, 2001) As this highlights, by the use of legislation and cash incentives the Government can influence development towards Brownfield sites. The UK Government did not have the same style of strategy under one name like this ââ¬Ësmart growth policy, but instead had many directives covered under areas such as planning, housing provision targets, fiscal incentives and sustainable development. They have since with the help of research and studies conducted from and by other organisations, designed a ââ¬Ënational brownfield strategy. Government Targets Since the late 1990s the Government has endeavoured to reach the target set that 60% of new housing in the UK is to be built upon previously developed land. (HMG, PPS3, 2006) ââ¬Å"With our new policies in place, we expect local planning authorities to be able to raise the national proportion of new homes to be built on previously developed land to 60 per cent over the next 10 years.â⬠(John Prescott, House of Commons Debate, 23rd Feb 1998) After this aim was announced, there was great debate over whether it was achievable. It was, and continues to be a high target and therefore measures needed to be taken to ensure its fulfilment. In 1999 Friends of the Earth claimed that the goal was attainable but only if central Government provided more guidance and assistance to local planning authorities, particularly in the case of clean up policy for contaminated land. (Environmental Data Interactive Exchange, 1999) The Government has also set targets for the number of new homes, and al so their, and non-domestic buildings energy efficiency in a movement towards sustainable development. In 2007, Gordon Brown made housing a priority and promised 2 million new homes by 2016, and 3 million by 2020 with a further clause that homes built from 2016 onwards would be zero carbon. (HMG, 2007, Building A Greener Future: Policy Statement) At Budget 2008 strict targets for carbon emissions were set on non-domestic buildings when the Government announced its ambition that all new non-domestic buildings should be zero carbon from 2019. (HMG, 2008) Measures to Influence Development towards Redevelopment of Brownfield or PDL At Budget 2001, the UK Government stated: ââ¬Å"The Government wants to improve the confidence of owners and investors to bring contaminated land back into productive use and assist with the costs of doing so. Budget 2001 introduces a 150 per cent accelerated payable tax credit for owners and investors for the costs they incur in cleaning up contaminated sites. This is part of the Land Remediation Relief (LRR) incentive, contained within the Urban White Paper, November 2000, and introduced in 2001. These measures make the development of these sites more viable, helping to tackle the legacy of previous industrial uses and reduce the pressure to develop Greenfield sites.â⬠The LRR introduced the 150 per cent tax incentive as well as bringing in the possibility for companies to elect that capital expenditure on qualifying land remediation expenditure is allowed as a deduction in computing its profits. Furthermore companies can opt to receive a payable tax credit in exchange for an y qualifying land remediation loss surrendered to the Exchequer the rate of the payable tax credit being 16 per cent of the loss surrendered. The credit is restricted however to the lesser of 16 per cent of the uplifted expenditure or 16 per cent of the companys unrelieved loss for the period. (HMG, Urban White Paper, 2000) It is fair to suggest that the Government is following up on the original policies made and the concerns expressed by Friends of The Earth. Primarily, the LRR has been updated and in doing so planning controls and incentives enhanced. There has also been action taken by the use of surveys and reports completed and recommendations made to the Government. ââ¬ËTax incentives for development of brownfield land: a consultation is a document produced in March 2007, and illustrates the two fiscal, tax incentives the Government has introduced to promote brownfield regeneration. The document is ââ¬Ëa consultation in which the Government proposes the removal of one of the tax breaks, but the enhancement of the other. The two forms of fiscal incentive offered are firstly an accelerated 150% tax credit which helps with costs incurred in the cleanup of the site. The second measure is landfill tax exemption, introduced in 1996 when landfill tax began. Landfill tax is a tax on the disposal of waste collected by landfill site operators, aimed to encourage waste producers to produce less waste. There are some exemptions, and the one particularly relevant to brownfield regeneration is that which relates to waste arising from the cleanup of contaminated land. It was intended to ensure that landfill tax does not act as a barrier to developing contaminated land. When the relief was introduced in 1996 there were few alternatives to dealing with contaminated land other than landfill, however as time has passed new technologies have emerged, making on site decontamination the preferred option. It is the Governments belief that on site decontamination is the better solution due to the high environmental impacts of landfill itself and its demand for space, the harm to the environment caused by the transportation of this waste, and the securing of recycling materials. These ââ¬Ëcosts to the environment as the Government explains are necessary to consider in the same way as PDL itself. Another area mentioned is that the regulatory environment has changed since 1996, and has altered how waste is handled and regulated considerably. Since October 2007 all waste has had to be treated before it is sent to landfill, and liquid waste has been banned from landfill sites. In 2005 the ââ¬ËHazardous Waste Directive applied increased controls to hazardous waste resulting in the prices for it to be taken as landfill rising sharply, and the paper points out that landfill tax would now only be a small proportion of the overall costs of sending hazardous waste to landfill. Also in this document the Government expresses a desire to update and amend policies if necessary pointing out that all measures taken must be monitored and possibly altered to ensure maximum compliance and success. ââ¬Å"The Government remains committed to these aims and to the continuation of the relief, but after 6 years of operation it is time to consider how the scope and take up of the relief can be improved to help it more efficiently deliver the objectives set out in 2001.â⬠(HMG, Tax incentives for development of brownfield land: a consultation, 2007) It is important that the necessity to potentially alter regulations, incentives or policies to guarantee the best results is acknowledged by the Government, as it shows a willingness to be proactive and manage the issue. Further to this report however the Government carried out its proposed changes to the existing LRR. In the 2008 ââ¬ËPre-Budget Report there are some separations made between PDL itself, and alterations to the conditions of relief given. It is stated that legislation would be introduced in the ââ¬ËFinance Bill 2009 extending LRR to cover expenditure on remediating long term derelict land if the land has been derelict since 1st April 1998. Additionally the land will only qualify if the land was already derelict when acquired by the claimant, and moreover a list of qualifying expenditure is published. ââ¬Å"The relief will be available on specified expenditure. The qualifying costs are expenditure on the removal of: post-tensioned concrete heavyweight construction; foundations of buildings or other structures or machinery bases; reinforced concrete pilecaps; reinforced concrete basements; or underground pipes or other apparatus for the supply of electricity, gas,water or telecommunication services or for drainage or sewerage.â⬠(HMG, 2008, Pre-Budget Report) Towards a National Brownfield Strategy In September 2003, English Partnerships produced an advisory document to the deputy Prime Minister having been appointed as special adviser to the Government on brownfield issues. They intended to compose a comprehensive National Strategy for brownfield land. In their report, English Partnerships express a very significant detail that brownfield, or PDL, continues to be created, stimulated by economic and social factors and that a key challenge is to ensure the pace of reuse exceeds the pace of new creation of this land. Their concern is that it is an on-going issue and requires far more than just refocusing new schemes, but to address the subject of this newly created brownfield land. A further chief observation made is that PDL must be differentiated between. There are marked differences, some sites have no need for encouraging policies or legislation to be made for developers to appreciate a new use and realise the profit of carrying out their new planned schemes, these are described as ââ¬Ëself resolving. There may be little to no time between when the site becomes obsolete, or unused, and then is regenerated in to something different or merely updated. This could be land currently in use, but which once redeveloped may have a higher value, and therefore more commercial value. These sites naturally therefore may be called ââ¬Ëcommercially attractive sites. Fairly evidently the report then distinguishes between ââ¬Ëmarginally viable and ââ¬Ënon-viable sites, which are reasonably self explanatory, in that they lack attraction to developers due to clean up and preparation costs exceeding potential profits in the latter, or only offering a small profit in the former. Finally ââ¬Ënon-development sites are explained as being suitable only for ââ¬Ësoft or amenity use, with their values severely reduced and not necessarily related to the costs of bringing them back in to use. Here more than just the financial returns must be considered, the social costs and benefits are principal and are difficult for the private sector to take in to consideration, overall implying a clear role for the public sector, in more than just a policy making manner, but as a regenerator itself. (Towards A National Brownfield Strategy, English Partnerships, 2003) Government Response to English Partnerships The Government responded to the recommendations made by English Partnerships, with a number of policy creations and claim to be ââ¬Å"successfully encouraging the re-use of more brownfield sites reducing pressure for development on greenfield land.â⬠(HMG, Securing the Future Supply of Brownfield Land, 2008) English Partnerships made nine policy recommendations in their submission to the Government and all of nine of these were accepted in the Governments response, several of which were confirmed in the ââ¬ËHousing Green Paper Homes for the future: more affordable, more sustainable, 2007. This Green paper emphasised the necessity for local authorities ââ¬Å"to prioritise brownfield land in their plans and to take stronger action to bring more brownfield land back in to use.â⬠(Syms P, Land Remediation Yearbook, 2008) This document claims that around three quarters of new development takes place on brownfield land compared to less than 60% ten years ago in 1998. Furthermore a year on year reduction in derelict and/or vacant brownfield land is highly promising and hence the stock of this land is diminishing. This relates back to a concern raised by English Partnerships, about the continuing problem of PDL, its growth as land becomes naturally derelict or unused, and the necessity to address this. A Developers Considerations and Perspective: The prime concern for any private developer and their company is unashamedly profit maximisation, and the amount of time before that profit is realized. (Ratcliffe J, Stubbs M, 1996) The property development industry is risky which is why there are both high levels of profit and loss that can occur to developers. Risk carries great significance for the developer of any scheme, and can be the factor that decides whether to pursue the intended development or shelve the plans all together. The process of property development can be split in to a five stage process according to John Ratcliffe and Michael Stubbs, they write that from the initial idea to the disposal of the property at the end, the stages can be divided thus: Concept and initial consideration Site appraisal and feasibility study Detailed design and evaluation Contract and construction Marketing, management and disposal (Ratcliffe J, Stubbs M, Urban Planning and Real Estate Development, 1996) Developers and Brownfield Land Brownfield land varies greatly in its character in terms of size, location and the severity of contamination, while the constant and only common consideration for the developer is profit. The same point can be stressed about greenfield or greenbelt land too although realistically only in terms of size and physical characteristics, and not contamination severity. There are of course a number of other considerations; planning regulations and whether permission will be granted carry great importance, as the project may have to be altered due to planning constraints. The second stage of property development, ââ¬Ësite appraisal and feasibility study as called by Ratcliffe and Stubbs, during which the developer must research the land thoroughly weighing up its credentials. At this stage the brownfield site or PDL may be rejected on the basis of infeasibility in the developers eyes. This rejection may lead to a different site needing to be considered and utilized, or a change in the scale or intended use of the proposal. When deliberating where to construct their new planned and profitable scheme, the obvious, most simple and least time consuming option, would be a greenfield site. There would have been no previous uses of the site, apart from perhaps agricultural, and highly unlikely a use that would have contaminated the site and thereby demand high clean up costs, or demolition of previous structures. Greenfield sites are very often on land of sole ownership making the task of purchasing the land far more straightforward, than having to trace and, or, consolidate ownership to bring together the parcel of land required and desired for the project. Case Studies: This chapter introduces the case studies of brownfield regeneration that has occurred and relating the projects to some of the measures taken by the Government to encourage development of brownfield sites or PDL. Norwich Riverside Re-development The Norwich Riverside development is a fine example of a successful project on contaminated brownfield land. It is a large site very near to the city centre, and was the largest and most significant site that had become available for redevelopment for years. Therefore it was highly important the best possible use was made of the opportunity. Historical Context The site was originally industrially used, it was close to both the railway and river providing good transport and supply links. As long ago as the early 20th Century the firm Boulten and Paul had located their ironmongers on the site, making many things from agricultural tools to aircraft during the war periods. By the mid 1980s however, owing to deindustrialisation, many of the industrial uses had declined or ceased operations and the majority of the site had become vacant and derelict. Other uses included the Harrington oil and gas works and timber yards were also present. Another user of the site was British Rail and their sidings were too left unused and derelict, leaving the site looking forlorn and unsightly. (David Simmonds Consultancy, 2004, Sargent P, A Place in History) The Site The site itself is large in size, 17 hectares or 42 acres, and is located south east of Norwich city centre on the banks of the river Wensum next to the railway station and Norwich City football club. Due to its previous heavy industrial use, it was highly contaminated and carried a tidal flood risk, therefore much work was necessary to rectify these issues. The site did not have good access either both by road, and for pedestrians and cyclists. The New Development The site was seen to provide an opportunity for major expansion of the city centre which was an aim of Norwich City Council (NCC) as their desire was to attract ââ¬Ëshed style retailing and limit the shift to ââ¬Ëout of town. The completed scheme today is mixed use offering residential, in the form of 224 housing units combining town houses and flats most of which with secure parking. There is also a 15% allocation of affordable housing. In terms of retail, there is a food superstore, Morrisons, and 7 other retail units; Boots the chemist, JD Sports, Argos, Mamas and Papas, JJB Sports and Going Places Travel. A further 2 units with service operations, Big Yellow Self Storage Company and STS Holburn Tyre Centre are also present. There are leisure facilities provisions as well with a 14 screen UCI multiplex cinema, a bowling alley (Hollywood Bowl), nightclubs (Square, Brannigans and Time), restaurants (Frankie and Benny, Nandos, Pizza Hut, Old Orleans), bars (Wetherspoons, Norweg ian Blue), and a health club (Fitness Exchange). A major swimming and recreation centre which was particularly important to the council that it be incorporated, as there was a need for this in a central location. ( 1800 car parking spaces including a new six-storey park with 740 spaces provide sufficient car parking for both leisure development and rail users. The railway station itself has been remodelled to integrate in to the adjacent project. New access links with a new inner ring road, as well as pedestrian and cycle connections to the historic King street area. ââ¬Å"Riverside now represents a new quarter that compliments the city centre in accordance with recent Government planning policy guidelines, in a location with existing public transport infrastructure improved by a new interchange for buses, taxis and cyclists.â⬠(David Simmonds Consultancy, 2004) Redevelopment Issues There were a number of serious concerns and questions raised with the major scale redevelopment of Norwich Riverside, from infrastructure issues to planning necessities and development obligations. In 1994 the council first started work with local stakeholders and potential developers designing new planning guidelines for the regeneration of the site, but it was not until 1999 that the first phase of construction was completed. The council had originally assessed the development potential of the site in 1987 after the closure of Boulten and Paul, and their plans envisaged a fine-grain redevelopment of mixed use. Due to these problems with the site, it became well known within the countrys development industry as a difficult project with a significant commercial and investment risk which logically acted as a barrier to attracting backing. Part of the delay, and bearing a great significance to the research question of this project, was that the council were attempting to use the redevelopment of Riverside as a major part of regenerating the city centre and providing services that were previously lacking. Naturally this objective brought with it some major development obligations for the scheme to provide. One such target was to supply a new swimming pool and recreation centre as this was lacking in a city centre location. A very well designed centre was created by Richard Jackson intelligent engineering, and now has a value of à £5.7 million. (Richard Jackson plc, 2009) Further constraints were that the council wished to steer ââ¬Ëshed style retailing in to this area of the city to rein in the increasing move to ââ¬Ëout of town shopping becoming prevalent. (Norwich City Council, Riverside development) As is often the case with brownfield redevelopment the site was quite heavily contaminated, evidently this required cleaning up, which was achieved by the use of an innovative soil clean-up method called bio-remediation. Furthermore as mentioned previously, the site was at risk to flooding, and therefore the ground level had to be raised. These are both costly and time consuming processes to complete, over à £5 million was spent remediating the site. Another obstacle that can occur with brownfields and did indeed in this case was serial ownership and the difficulties involved of tracing all owners and forging agreement between them of the intended plans. The Boulten and Paul works were owned by Gazely Properties Ltd having purchased the works after its closure in the 1980s. The railway lands were owned by British Rail Property Board until its privatisation when they were transferred to Railtrack pre Network Rail. These two, Gazely Properties and Railtrack ultimately founded a joint development company on an equal partnership basis. The other land included in the site area was in the possession of NCC. The proposed plan itself for a mix of residential, leisure and ââ¬Ëshed style retail was acceptable to most members of the local community, some residents rallied against this form of urbanisation due to the aesthetics of the retail not fitting in with the historical city. Despite their efforts however, the council stuck with the plans and agreed that it go ahead as planned with reference to the importance of the food store which would serve the south east of the city. When the site came to ascendancy as a hub
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Rights, Duties and Freedoms Essay -- Human Rights Act 1998
Rights, Duties and Freedoms Under the Human Rights Act 1998, which came into force in October 2000, there are certain rights and freedoms that are protected. The significance of this act is to offer legal rights to everyone in a democratic country. The United Kingdom does not have a written constitution, this is very unusual in a democracy, and our rights and freedoms have traditionally been protected by a presumption that we are free to do anything that is not covered by a specific forbidding law or piece of legislation. Under the Human Rights Act we now have that written confirmation of our rights, duties and freedoms. Anyone withholding those rights, for example wrongful imprisonment or racism is now liable for prosecution and possible imprisonment. A citizen acquires certain rights at certain ages. Sue for personal injuryà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à From birth Watch a film with `U? classificationà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 5 Watch a `PG? film with parents or guardianà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 5 Drink alcohol at home, if an adult provides it.à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 8 Fully criminally responsibleà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 10 Be given a supervision order as a criminal sanctionà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 10 Legally capable of rapeà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 10 Be sent to a Secure training centre as a criminal sanctionà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 12 Consent to sex, but if an adult obliges they are guilty of a criminal offenceà à à à à à à à à à 13 Drink alcohol in a licensed premises if it is with a mealà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 16 Marry with judicial/ parental consentà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 16 Consent to heterosexual sexà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 16 Purchase cigarettesà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 16 Drive a carà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 17 Marry without consentà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 18 Have homosexual relationsà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 18 Sent to prisonà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 18 Make a willà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 18 Eligible to voteà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 18 Full legal rights in contractà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à 18 Buy alcoholà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à ... ...bout of sadomasochism to one consenting couple, could be classed as actual bodily harm and assault, even torture and degradation to a judge and jury, therefore infringing human rights, as in the case of Simon Slingsby 1995 who accidentally injured his wife during sexual intercourse, causing her internal injuries, which later became septic and death followed. The murder charge he faced was later dropped to manslaughter where he was found guilty of committing a dangerous or unlawful act. Britain has been governed by parliament for many centuries, each new parliament bringing with it new legislation in keeping with the demands of developing industry, and public and private citizens. These laws have kept Britain adequately ruled over the years, but there have been many breaches of citizen?s human rights. Since the Human Rights Act 1998 came into force, these rights have been upheld and maintained, with those who breach these rights paying the price through the courts. Acts of discrimination, for example racism and disability, have been largely ended, making society able to live in harmony with its neighbours. Bibliography English Legal System Elliot and Quinn 5th Edition.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Distinctive Voices Essay
Through the use of techniques, writers are evidently able to create a wide range of distinctive voices and bring people and their experiences to life. When distinctive voices are created, it helps the reader to understand and perhaps even relate to the character of the text. The use of distinctive voices ensures people to be created and their experiences to be brought to life. ââ¬Å"The Life and Crimes of Harry Lavenderâ⬠, written by Marele Day, is strategically able to create distinctive voices and experiences throughout the novel by incorporating a variety of characters including Claudia Valentine, a female investigator in big city Sydney, Australia, and Harry Lavender, the antagonist of the novel and the boss of Sydneyââ¬â¢s underworld. Dayââ¬â¢s strong and clever use of techniques, effectively create a range of significant, distinctive voices. In contrast, ââ¬Å"Weapons Trainingâ⬠by Bruce Dawe is able to create a very strong, distinctive voice that brings to li fe the character of a strong-minded, stern drill sergeant, as he delivers a monologue to all the young new recruits. Both texts have used a deliberate choice of techniques, and creation of the distinctive voices within the texts. Claudia Valentine is the main character of Marele Dayââ¬â¢s hard boiled crime fiction novel; ââ¬ËThe Life and Crimes of Harry Lavenderââ¬â¢. Claudiaââ¬â¢s character is quite significant as there are very few detective novels written and published that have a female private investigator as the main character. For the entirety of the novel, the style is set in first person narrative voice. This indicates the reader with be seeing the events through the characterââ¬â¢s eyes and hearing about them through her distinctive voice. Through the setting of Sydney and visual images such as the empty bottle of whisky, ashtrays of cigarettes, the naked light bulb and the blond in the bed, Day establishes a racy, contemporary urban city scene with the pessimistic and derisive voice of the narrator to be our guide. Throughout the opening scene, we are ignorant of the narrators sex and name. This isà purposely done to play with the responders assumptions in response to gender stereo types and to build the tough, determined and witty voice of Claudia Valentine. Claudiaââ¬â¢s voice changes throughout the novel. The opening passage establishes Claudiaââ¬â¢s voice as being that of a typical private investigator. This is to aid to the crime fiction genre idea. This anchors the readerââ¬â¢s perception of the character as firmly part of the crime fiction genre. Her tone is formal when speaking in a professional capacity, for example, when speaking to the Levack family; ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢ll come straight to the point Mrs Levack. Iââ¬â¢m investigating the death of Mark Bannister , who lived over there in that flat.â⬠. This formal, straight-forward and firm voice is Claudiaââ¬â¢s public voice. However, behind the strong ââ¬Ëprivate investigatorââ¬â¢ wall she holds up, Claudia has a very private voice which is hardly exposed to anyone but herself. We see this change in voice when she is with Steve Angell. Her language changes and softens somewhat in her interactions with Steve. She comments throughout the text; ââ¬Å"The brightest thing about the day was that Steve had dropped into itâ⬠. Claudiaââ¬â¢s ââ¬Ëprivateââ¬â¢ voice also has a hint of seductiveness when she is communicating with Steve; ââ¬Å"He was stunning. As tall as me, if not taller, with eyes like the pools you find beneath waterfalls. It was all I could do to stop myself taking off all my clothes and diving in.â⬠. Claudiaââ¬â¢s private voice also reveals a lot of love, worry and attachment to her two children her live with her ex-husband Gary. This is revealed through a phone call Claudia makes to Gary after she fears for her childrenââ¬â¢s safety; ââ¬Å"To hear their voices, to know my flesh and blood was safe. My babies.â⬠. In Dayââ¬â¢s novel, another character with a distinctive voice is revealed, however this ââ¬Ëdistinctive voiceââ¬â¢ is much different to the voice of Claudia. Harry Lavender, the antagonist of the novel, is the boss of Sydneyââ¬â¢s crime underworld. Harryââ¬â¢s voice is distinctive in the poetic tone of the language used. The use of imagery and figurative language allows the reader to perceive Lavender as being a sophisticated and powerful character; ââ¬ËThe people hold sprigs of lavender, like rosemary on Anzac day.ââ¬â¢. Harry Lavenderââ¬â¢s voice is powerful and evocative, as he describes how he will beà remembered when he dies, and how he has higher power over police and authority; ââ¬Ëpolice allow me safe passageââ¬â¢. Even though Harry is dying, his body decaying, in the same way he has brought about the moral decay of the city, his voice is still ominous and commanding. Harry is a powerful man who has built his fame on an empire of corruption. He is used to being in control and ironically, we see Lavender unable to control the most important aspect of his life, his own body. Day uses various techniques in this passage to convey the voice of the crime boss, Harry Lavender. Day uses poetic and figurative language such as: ââ¬ËIt is my image that is reflected in that glass.ââ¬â¢ Day also uses metaphor in: ââ¬ËIt is my body crumbling, not the city.ââ¬â¢ to describe the way that the cancer is consuming and destroying Lavenderââ¬â¢s body. Consecutive, short, and simple sentences are used to construct Lavenderââ¬â¢s voice. And finally, repetition is used in the final line to reinforce Lavenderââ¬â¢s command over the city and his influence in this place; ââ¬Ë They will remember me, oh yes, they will remember.ââ¬â¢. In contrast, related text: Weapons Training by Bruce Dawe is able to bring a drill sergeant to life as well as his past experience through a distinctive voice. Daweââ¬â¢s poem opens in the middle of a sentence, in the middle of the drill sergeantââ¬â¢s monologue. This device captures our attention and gives a sense of immediacy of being on the spot. This is effective as we are not just being told about the sergeant, we can actually hear him. The sergeant questions the young soldiers but doesnââ¬â¢t wait for answers. He talks so fast that recruits can hardly take in let alone think about it. This is effective as the soldiers and the readers have to learn to react reflexively. The thinking is done for the readers/soldiers and they have to absorb what is said without thinking about it and do what they are told. The drill sergeant speaks in a fairly broad Australian idiom, using the language and clichà ©d humour of the average Australian. Some of the colloquialisms used, such as ââ¬Ëyouââ¬â¢ve copped the bloody lotââ¬â¢ or ââ¬Ëworse luckââ¬â¢ are specifically Australian. The dramatic quality used also helps to create a distinctive voice within the poem. He is the ââ¬Ëtypicalââ¬â¢ bullying, sarcastic drill sergeant, so itââ¬â¢s easy for us to vividly imagine him and his voice. His language is colloquial; ââ¬Ëare you a queer?, thatââ¬â¢s right grab and check/the magazine manââ¬â¢ . His language is also full of clichà ©s includingà sexual references; ââ¬Ëyour trusty weapon, a mob of little yellowsââ¬â¢. Daweââ¬â¢s techniques provide a very distinctive and strong voice for the poem. Through a strong use of techniques including Australian idiom, colloquialism and tone, both Marele Day and Bruce Dawe are effectively able to bring people and their experiences to life through distinctive voice.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Quotations to Inspire Teachers
Quotations to Inspire Teachers Inspired teachers are exceptional teachers, and they change lives. When you need a little inspiration, or if you know a teacher who does, an uplifting quotation can do the job. Make a poster for the teachers lounge, send a text or card, find one that speaks to you as a mantra, be creative. Quotes for Teachers These will get you started: The job of an educator is to teach students to see the vitality in themselves.- Joseph CampbellI am not a teacher, but an awakener. - Robert FrostWhere there is an open mind there will always be a frontier. - Charles F. KetteringTeachers open the door. You enter by yourself. - Chinese ProverbAwaken peoples curiosity. It is enough to open minds, do not overload them. Put there just a spark.- Anatole FranceLife is amazing: and the teacher had better prepare himself to be a medium for that amazement.- Edward BlishenIt is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.- Albert EinsteinAn understanding heart is everything in a teacher, and cannot be esteemed highly enough. One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feeling. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.- Carl JungI cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think. - Socrates The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery. - Mark Van DorenAnyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.- Henry FordThe mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.- William Arthur WardWhat the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches.- Soren KierkegaardGood teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers.- Josef Albersââ¬â¹We think of the effective teachers we have had over the years with a sense of recognition, but those who have touched our humanity we remember with a deep sense of gratitude. - Anonymous StudentWhatever you teach, be brief; what is quickly said the mind readily receives and faithfully retains, while everything superfluous runs over as from a full container. Who knows much says least.- Author UnknownBe not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yours elf as you wish to be.- Thomas A. Kempis Who dares to teach must never cease to learn.- John C. DanaIf a doctor, lawyer, or dentist had 40 people in his office at one time, all of whom had different needs, and some of whom didnt want to be there and were causing trouble, and the doctor, lawyer, or dentist, without assistance, had to treat them all with professional excellence for nine months, then he might have some conception of the classroom teachers job.- Donald D. QuinnTeachers who inspire know that teaching is like cultivating a garden, and those who would have nothing to do with thorns must never attempt to gather flowers.- Author UnknownTeachers who inspire realize there will always be rocks in the road ahead of us. They will be stumbling blocks or stepping stones; it all depends on how we use them.- Author UnknownOne must learn by doing the thing; for though you think you know it, you have no certainty, until you try.- SophoclesThe aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think- rathe r to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with thoughts of other men.- Bill Beattie He who asks a question may be a fool for five minutes. But he who never asks a question remains a fool forever.- Tom J. Connelly
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
A Simple Way to Complete an Outstanding Analytical Essay
A Simple Way to Complete an Outstanding Analytical Essay A Simple Way to Complete an Outstanding Analytical Essay It doesnââ¬â¢t matter what academic assignment you have: a simple descriptive essay or a research paper on physics. Knowing the basic principles will always help you to complete any sort of a task with minimum affords. Analytical essay is not an exception. It is a paper, where you need to analyze and interpret an event, piece of art or situation. You need to show your critical thinking and apply all of the knowledge you have gained. Decide what will be the center of your work. Any analytical essay concentrates on a topic, certain quote or issue. That is why you need to analyze the subject and decide what aspects you will focus on. Include facts on a matter to support your point of view, even if your essay is written about a book or a movie; Choose your topic. Usually professors give a topic to write about but sometimes you can choose it yourself. Here is where the most problems arise and most of the students simply donââ¬â¢t know how to manage the task properly. If it is a movie or a book analysis, you can back your opinion with actions of various characters. You can also analyze motives of actors or participants. If it is a historical event, donââ¬â¢t forget to describe the things that influenced it. As well as use scientific tools for an academic topic; Start with a thesis statement. It is one of the most important parts of any assignment, as it gives the reader a chance to understand whether he wants to go on reading. A thesis statement of an analytical essay should back your ideas and give the reader a chance to see what issues you are going to discuss; Back your thoughts with evidence. You should pay great attention to all the materials you are dealing with, as they will be later used to back your ideas. Use films, books or any other materials to support your statement and add additional evidence to your thesis. It is a great idea to explain various events or situations, which happened before the described events and their influence on the matter; Write a plan of your paper. Completing an outline may greatly simplify your life, as you will be able to always stick to the plan and remember what thinks you wanted to write about. A regular analytical essay consists of a short introduction, body and conclusions. The body paragraphs contain main information on the matter, so here you need to indicate all of the most important features on the subject. Example of an analytical essay plan: Introduction Section 1: Causes of the event Section 2: Description of the event Part 3: Reaction of the characters Conclusions Compose your analytical essay à Write the introduction. Any introduction requires careful attention to details, as it gives the reader an overall impression and encourages him to go on reading. That is why you need to be innovative and make your topic as attractive as possible. However, donââ¬â¢t include too many facts and details, as they may easily bore the audience. You should also try to avoid dramatic elements, like exclamation marks, as an analytical essay always remains subjective; Write body paragraphs. There is a great way to complete your body paragraphs in a simple way. You should only divide them into three parts: Write down the main sentence; Analyze the text; Include a certain fact, which will confirm your thesis and text analysis. Every paragraph should correspond with your thesis statement and provide a deep understanding of the topic. Donââ¬â¢t be in a hurry and complete a thorough analysis of all statements; Wisely choose a place for quotes and paraphrases. Any time you want to use someone elseââ¬â¢s thoughts or phrases, you need to quote them inside the text. With such citations, you support your ideas or provide useful information, so it is important to add quotes to relevant paragraphs. Make sure you cite everything properly depending on the required formatting style; Write down the conclusions. When working on this section, you need to remind the audience your main statements on the topic. It is also possible to paraphrase the thesis but make it sound different from the introduction section. Provide different ideas and conclusions to make the reader think on the topic. Your opinion shouldnââ¬â¢t influence someone elseââ¬â¢s assessment but still it is useful to write a couple sentences on your own ideas. Final stage Go through your paper over and over again to avoid any mistakes, including lexical and grammatical ones. Even the best paper can receive lower marks if it contains lots of mistakes and complex sentences. That is why you need to make sure that you spend enough time on correcting possible errors. If you find it difficult, ask someone to help; Read your analytical essay aloud. Students often neglect this common practice. However, it can greatly help you to concentrate on the sections, which you didnââ¬â¢t pay attention to. You may also see what sections or even phrases sound too complicated and which are readable. Making one step at a time, you will be able to complete an outstanding essay, which will be smooth and interesting; Eliminate all possible spelling mistakes. There is nothing worse than writing names, locations and places with mistakes. Take your time and consult several various sources to make sure you spell such information correctly. The best tips you will ever get It will be much easier to write down your thesis statement if you understand what you are willing to prove. Your opinion may change throughout the work, so you should simply alter the thesis statement a bit; Stick to the point. Some students think that writing a long essay, filled with watery sentences, is a great solution. However, any professor will agree that your analytical essay should be brief and clear. Every sentence you write should analyze a certain matter and be backed by a research; Donââ¬â¢t use too many quotes. Of course, it is great to use quotes and citations of scholarly sources and other authors. However, loading your text with too many details will simply do you harm, as your professor may think that you donââ¬â¢t have any personal thoughts on the subject; Be innovative. It is difficult to stand out from hundreds of other works, so finding a way to differ is crucial if you want to be noticed. If the topic allows, write your essay in a form of an autobiography or a letter. In addition, you can add infographics, illustrations and provocative titles to engage the reader; No everyday language. If your essay is analytical and requires a critical approach, it is necessary to avoid everyday phrases. If you decide to use slang you can sound unprofessional, which may greatly influence your final grades and overall impression from the text.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Leadership and Management Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Leadership and Management Development - Essay Example It is done in order to amplify the inner skills and confidence of the employees towards the assigned tasks that may improve their level of performance. By doing so, the level of productivity and profitability of the organization might get enhanced to a significant extent that may augment its position and ranking in the market among others. However, in order to maintain the operation of the organization in an efficient way, the leader needs to maintain good interpersonal relationship with its employees. By communicating with them, in terms of various issues, the level of participation might get enhanced that may improve the performance of the organization as a whole. Thus, it might be clearly the better the qualities of a leader the better might be the performance of an organization (Ulrich, 1997, pp. 223-234). According to Northouse (2010), leadership is an art or skill that is attained by the individual through vigorous communication and interactions with a wide range of individual or employees. By doing so, varied types of ideas and suggestions are presented in front of wide range of individual, who might also participate in the decision-making process. As a result, the level of confidence and thinking power of the individual also gets enhanced to a significant extent as compared to others. Moreover, due to strategic thinking process, the creativity and innovativeness of the leader to present varied types of ideas related to improvement of the organizational performance and position in the market might get amplified (Northhouse, 2010, pp. 110-123). In addition to this, through coaching and development learning programs, the self assessment and team-building skills of the individual might get enhanced. Such type of skills might also amplify the problem solving nature of the individual that may reduce the conflicts and clashes among the employees. By doing so, the level
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Week 4 posts 6330 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Week 4 posts 6330 - Assignment Example I would like to thank you for the informative post regarding Basic Nursing Care Skills in the ADN course is beneficial to the studentsââ¬â¢ opportunity to exercise their nursing skills effectively. I support the best practice in this quote, ââ¬Å"The syllabus is well organized with effective headers and tables with the ease of readability which can promote understanding among learners (Slattery & Carlson, 2005)â⬠. The improvement needed in this syllabus is that it requires measureable goals and clear objectives. Your critique on the syllabus for the nurse residency program at a community hospital located in Southwest Florida was quite good in that it provides nurse graduates with no experience, the acute care setting. I support the following quote, ââ¬Å"If the student can achieve the objectives set forth in the course, then there us alignment with the course outcome. This syllabus is beneficial in that it helps learners set high, but achievable goals (Slattery and Carlson, 2005).â⬠The major improvement this syllabus needs is more supervision; this is beneficial since the graduates need mentoring. The post related to the Wound Care Programme is mainly about preparing the nurse in practice many ways of management of wounds was very informative. I would like to support your view onâ⬠, one way this syllabus illustrates best practices is with very clear and concise objectives.â⬠A listing of resources helps the students plan ahead; both the actions are good ways of learner engagement (Habanek, 2005). One way to improve this syllabus is by creating a list of meeting dates and expected assignments. This assists the learner take responsibility for their learning and anticipates the course development (Habanek, 2005). Rowles, C. (2012). Strategies to promote critical thinking and active learning, In D. Billings & J. Halstead (Eds.), Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO:
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